Any budy can create magical carpet.
Chose able destination by clicking on map.
You can edit speed of magical carpet.
You can edit height of magical carpet.
You can change magical carpet object to any other.
You can invite anyone to magical carpet.
You can leave magical carpet.
#How it work?
Download filterscript from any given link below.
Put Magic_Carpet.amx and Magic_Carpet.pwn in your filterscript folder.
Open your server.cfg file write Magic_Carpet in front of filterscript then save it.
Use /mchelp to watch all commands.
Use /mc to create magical carpet or destroy it.
Use /mcs to set speed of magical carpet.
Use /mch to set height of magical carpet.
Use /mmc to move magical carpet.
Use /smc to stop magical carpet.
Use /mo to change magical object to any object.