1- Tadawul Web Scraping:
Collect all updated data of Tadawul Market from the following link:https://www.tadawul.com.sa/wps/portal/tadawul/markets/equities/market-watch/market-watch-today?locale=en
Collect all the companies and the values of each and store the data in PostgreSQL database. Please note that you should save each company with its category ;for example, SARCO under Energy cat.
-Read the stored data from database and show it as a table .
- Higher Education Dashboard
From the link below, you need to store the Excel file in PostgreSQL and then use the stored data to build dashboard to show useful insights.: https://data.gov.sa/Data/ar/dataset/field-of-study-2013-2018
**There are two folders
1- Tadawul-Web-Scraping folder
Tadawul build AutoScraper rules
- build the AutoScraper rule to Collect all updated data of Tadawul Market and save it into json file.
Tadawul_build Db
- Loading a json file and use it to build a DataFrame and save it to PostgreSQL
-postgresql Database it contains Tadawul information
csv it contains Tadawul information
-postgresql Database it contains Graduates information collected from https://data.gov.sa/Data/ar/dataset/field-of-study-2013-2018
Graduates dashboard
-Graduates dashboard using powerbi
pip install autoscraper