A simple API project for managing tasks that has simple data
First, before each breakpoint, use the Prefix 'api /v1'
User registration process - POST:
User authentication process
- GET:
Get all tasks - GET
Receive a special task - GET
Receive user tasks - POST
Add a task - PUT
The operation of doing or not doing the task - DELETE
Task deletion process
Necessary dependencies to implement this project:
- PHP 8
- Composer
We get the repository from the repository with the following command
git clone https://github.com/MrjaaDev/todo-api.git
Enter the root directory of the project and then enter the following command
composer install
After configuring the database, migrate the tables using the command below
php artisan migrate
# OR
php artisan migrate --seed
Run the project using the following command
php artisan serve
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.