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LongWriter: Unleashing 10,000+ Word Generation from Long Context LLMs


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LongWriter: Unleashing 10,000+ Word Generation From Long Context LLMs

🤗 HF Repo • 📃 Paper • 🚀 HF Space

English | 中文 | 日本語


Left: LongWriter-glm4-9b; Right: GLM-4-9B-chat

🔥 Updates

[2024/08/18] You can now deploy the LongWriter model using vllm. Refer to the code in and experience lightning-fast generation. It can generate over 10,000+ words in just one minute!

🔍 Table of Contents

⚙️ LongWriter Deployment

Environmental Setup: We recommend using transformers>=4.43.0 to successfully deploy our models.

We open-source two models: LongWriter-glm4-9b and LongWriter-llama3.1-8b, trained based on GLM-4-9B and Meta-Llama-3.1-8B, respectively. These two models point to the "LongWriter-9B-DPO" and "LongWriter-8B" models in our paper. Try the model:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
import torch
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("THUDM/LongWriter-glm4-9b", trust_remote_code=True)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("THUDM/LongWriter-glm4-9b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto")
model = model.eval()
query = "Write a 10000-word China travel guide"
response, history =, query, history=[], max_new_tokens=32768, temperature=0.5)

You may deploy your own LongWriter chatbot (like the one we show in the teasor video) by running


Alternatively, you can deploy the model with vllm, which allows generating 10,000+ words within a minute! See the code example in

🤖️ AgentWrite


We are also open-sourcing AgentWrite under agentwrite/, our automated ultra-long output data construction pipeline. Run and then to obtain the final data. Please configure your API key in the files.

🖥️ Model Training

You can download and save the LongWriter-6k data through the Hugging Face datasets (🤗 HF Repo):

dataset = load_dataset('THUDM/LongWriter-6k')
for split, split_dataset in dataset.items():

You can mix it with your own general SFT data. We adopt the code and environment in LongAlign for model training (we use transformers==4.43.0 for training on Llama-3.1), with slight modification to adapt to new models. The training code is under train/. Please make sure to install FlashAttention 2 according to the code base of FlashAttention.

📊 Evaluation

We introduce two evaluation benchmarks: LongBench-Write and LongWrite-Ruler. LongBench-Write focuses more on measuring the long output quality as well as the output length, while LongWrite-Ruler is designed as a light-weight stress test of the model's maximum output length. We provide our evaluation data and code under evaluation/. Run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python

to get model responses. Then run python and python to evaluate the quality ($S_q$) and length ($S_l$) scores. Remember to configure your OpenAI API key in since we adopt GPT-4o as the judge.

Here are the evaluation results on LongBench-Write: longbench-write Here are the evaluation results on LongWrite-Ruler: longwrite-ruler

👀 Cases

Here are LongWriter-glm4-9b's outputs to random test prompts.

User: Write a tragic love story about a lord's daughter falling in love with a servant, 5000 words.

Assistant: (6176 words)

The Aristocratic Estate

Nestled amidst the rolling hills of the English countryside, the grand estate of Lord Edward Ashwood was a beacon of elegance and sophistication. The sprawling manor, with its towering spires and expansive gardens, stood as a testament to centuries of wealth and power. The Ashwood family, known for their noble lineage and impeccable manners, had been pillars of the local community for generations. The grand halls were filled with the scent of polished wood and rich fabrics, echoing with the soft hum of servants attending to their masters' every need.

Lady Ashwood, the matriarch of the household, was a woman of grace and wisdom. Her beauty had faded with time, but her elegance remained untarnished. She was known for her charitable works and her ability to command respect and admiration from all who met her. Her daughters, Eliza and Arabella, were the epitome of aristocratic charm. Eliza, the elder, was a poised and intelligent young woman, often seen with a book in hand or engaged in scholarly discussions. Arabella, the younger, was vivacious and lively, her laughter ringing through the halls like a bell. Both girls were expected to marry well, their futures already mapped out by their parents.

The household was a bustling hive of activity. The grand dining hall was a testament to the family's wealth, adorned with intricate tapestries and fine china. The servants moved with practiced precision, their duties meticulously assigned. The butler, Mr. Blackwood, was a stern but fair man, ensuring that every aspect of the household ran smoothly. The head cook, Mrs. Brown, was a master of her craft, her culinary skills renowned throughout the county. The young page boys and maids scurried about, their faces a mix of innocence and the early signs of budding adulthood.

The Ashwood estate was a world apart from the simpler lives of the villagers who worked the surrounding lands. The gulf between the two worlds was vast and unbridgeable, a chasm that no one dared to cross. The servants, though integral to the estate's operation, were kept at a distance, their presence a mere background to the grandeur that defined the Ashwoods.

In this world of opulence and order, the seeds of a tragic love story were about to be sown.

The Hidden Heart of Eliza

Eliza Ashwood was the embodiment of aristocratic grace, her every movement a testament to years of refinement and education. Yet, beneath her composed exterior lay a heart yearning for something more, something the grand estate could not provide. Eliza was not merely a bookish daughter, though her love for literature was well-known. She possessed a depth of thought and a sensitivity that set her apart from her peers. Her days were filled with the routine of the estate—participating in social gatherings, learning the intricacies of diplomacy and etiquette, and engaging in scholarly pursuits. But her nights were often spent in quiet reflection, her mind wandering to thoughts that were far removed from the expectations of her station.

Eliza's interest in the estate's servants was a well-guarded secret. She often found herself drawn to the quieter corners of the manor, where the servants conducted their duties with a sense of quiet dignity. It was during one such moment, while taking a solitary walk through the estate's expansive gardens, that she first encountered Thomas. He was a young servant, tasked with tending to the roses that lined the estate's perimeter. His back was to her as he worked, his hands deftly pruning the delicate blooms. Eliza was captivated by the ease and precision with which he moved, a stark contrast to the hurried chaos of the household's daily operations.

As she watched him, a sense of tranquility washed over her. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Eliza felt a sense of peace. Thomas's presence was unassuming, his focus entirely on his work. It was a stark contrast to the constant hustle and bustle of the manor. Eliza found herself lingering, her curiosity piqued by the man who seemed to exist in a world of his own, untouched by the grandeur that surrounded him.

Their first conversation was innocent and brief, a simple exchange over the health of Thomas's mother. Eliza's genuine concern and Thomas's humble gratitude left an impression on both of them. From that moment, their interactions became more frequent, though always under the watchful eyes of the household. Eliza would often find herself seeking out Thomas, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and fear. Their conversations were simple and heartfelt, often centered around the beauty of the garden or the weather. Yet, it was enough to kindle a flame in Eliza's heart, a flame that she knew she must keep hidden.

Eliza's feelings for Thomas were a source of both comfort and conflict. On one hand, he represented a connection to a simpler, more genuine world, a world where she felt truly seen and understood. On the other hand, she was acutely aware of the social and economic chasm that separated them. The idea of a relationship with a servant was not only unimaginable but also scandalous. Eliza's heart was a battlefield of hope and despair, torn between her desire for love and her duty to her family and society.

As their bond deepened, Eliza found herself questioning her place in the world. She had been raised to aspire to greatness, to marry a man of equal or greater status, to uphold the Ashwood legacy. Yet, here she was, falling in love with a servant, a man who represented everything her world sought to exclude. It was a love that defied logic and reason, a love that threatened to upend the carefully constructed life she had been destined to lead.

Eliza's secret affection for Thomas was a delicate balance, a fragile thread that she clung to with all her might. She knew that revealing her feelings would not only shatter her own dreams but also bring disgrace upon her family. Yet, the more time she spent with Thomas, the more she realized that her heart could no longer be contained. It was a love that was as beautiful as it was dangerous, a love that would test the very foundations of her world.

Thomas's Hidden Life

Thomas had been born into a family of humble means, his parents working the fields to make ends meet. From a young age, he had known the hardships of rural life, the backbreaking labor and the sting of poverty. Yet, it was not the struggle that defined him but the resilience and determination he found within himself. When the Ashwood estate advertised for new servants, Thomas saw it as an opportunity to escape the confines of his village and forge a better future for himself.

Life at the Ashwood estate was a stark contrast to his previous existence. The grandeur and opulence were overwhelming at first, but Thomas adapted quickly, his innate sense of duty driving him to excel in his duties. He was assigned to the garden, a role that suited his quiet nature and love for the natural world. Each day, he moved through the estate with a sense of purpose, his hands deftly tending to the plants, his mind a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos.

Despite the differences in their worlds, Thomas felt a strange sense of belonging at the Ashwood estate. The grand halls and ornate decorations were a world apart from his simple upbringing, but there was a certain elegance to the place that he found comforting. The strict routines and the disciplined lives of the servants provided a structure that he had always craved. He found solace in the predictability of his tasks, in the rhythm of his workday that allowed him moments of quiet reflection.

It was during these moments of solitude that Thomas began to notice Eliza. Her presence was like a gentle breeze through the garden, her elegance contrasting with the rustic beauty of the flowers she admired. Thomas was initially drawn to her beauty, but as their interactions grew, he came to appreciate her intelligence and kindness. Eliza was unlike anyone he had ever met, her conversations filled with wisdom and compassion. She saw beyond his station, into the person he truly was.

Their bond grew slowly, built on shared moments of understanding and mutual respect. Thomas found himself looking forward to their brief conversations, his heart lightening with each encounter. Eliza's genuine interest in his life and her willingness to see past the societal barriers that separated them filled him with a sense of hope he had long thought lost. For the first time, Thomas felt valued and seen, not as a servant, but as a person with dreams and aspirations of his own.

Yet, Thomas was acutely aware of the dangers that their relationship posed. He knew the social and economic chasm that separated them, the impossibility of a future together. The idea of love was a fragile dream in a world that demanded conformity and respectability. Thomas's heart was a battlefield of hope and fear, torn between his desire for Eliza and the reality of their circumstances. He loved her with all his heart, but he was also pragmatic, understanding that their love was a risk he could not afford to take.

As their bond deepened, Thomas found himself questioning his place in the world. He had come to the Ashwood estate seeking a better life, but now he found himself caught in a web of emotions that threatened to unravel everything he had worked for. The love he felt for Eliza was a beautiful but dangerous distraction, a reminder of the dreams he dared not speak aloud. He knew that their love was a fragile thread, one that could easily be severed by the harsh realities of their world.

Thomas's heart was a sanctuary of love and fear, a place where his dreams and reality clashed. He loved Eliza with a passion that defied reason, but he was also realistic, understanding that their love was a fragile hope in a world that demanded conformity. As their bond grew stronger, Thomas found himself standing at a crossroads, his future uncertain and his heart in turmoil. He knew that his love for Eliza was a risk he was willing to take, but he was also aware of the dangers that lay ahead.

The Unspoken Bond

The bond between Eliza and Thomas grew stronger with each passing day, a silent yet powerful connection that neither could deny. Their conversations, though brief, were filled with a depth of understanding that transcended the barriers of their social standing. Eliza found herself looking forward to their encounters, each interaction a source of solace and joy in her otherwise structured and rigid world. Thomas, in turn, felt a sense of belonging and purpose that he had never known before, Eliza's presence a beacon of hope in his otherwise monotonous life.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the garden, Eliza found herself once again drawn to the roses Thomas tended. This time, she approached him with a quiet determination. "Thomas," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I wanted to thank you for always being there, for listening to me when no one else would."

Thomas looked up, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "It's my pleasure, Miss Eliza. You've always been kind to me."

Eliza took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "Thomas, there's something I need to tell you. I... I care for you deeply. More than just as a friend or a servant. I... I love you."

Thomas's eyes widened, his heart racing at the weight of her words. He had felt the same but had never dared to voice them, afraid of the consequences. "Eliza," he whispered, his voice trembling, "I... I feel the same. But we both know the dangers of what we feel."

Eliza's eyes filled with a mixture of hope and despair. "I know the risks, Thomas. I've thought about it night and day. But I can't deny my feelings any longer. I need you to know how I truly feel."

Thomas's heart ached with the weight of her words. He loved her with every part of his being, but the reality of their situation loomed large. "Eliza, we come from two different worlds. The gap between us is vast and unbridgeable. If we pursue this, we risk everything—our futures, our families, our very lives."

Eliza's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I understand that, Thomas. But I can't live without you. I need you in my life, even if it means defying everything I've ever been taught."

Thomas took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch her cheek. "Eliza, you mean more to me than words can express. But we must be careful. The world is not kind to those who defy its rules."

Eliza nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their reality. "I know, Thomas. But I'm willing to face whatever comes. I love you, and I can't let that go."

Their fingers brushed against each other's, a silent promise of the love they shared. It was a love that defied reason and societal norms, a love that both terrified and inspired them. They knew the risks, but they were also aware of the beauty and depth of the bond they had forged.

As they stood there under the golden light of the setting sun, their hearts beat in unison, a testament to the love that had grown between them. They were two souls entwined by fate, their love a fragile yet resilient thread that defied the world's expectations. Together, they faced the uncertainties of their future, their hearts united by a love that was as powerful as it was dangerous.

The Struggle Within

Eliza's heart was a tempest of emotions, torn between her love for Thomas and the societal expectations that loomed over her. She knew that her feelings for Thomas were real, profound, and unshakable. Yet, the weight of her upbringing and the expectations of her family were a constant reminder of the peril she faced. Every day was a battle within herself, a struggle to reconcile her heart with her duty.

Eliza's parents had always been strict in their expectations, instilling in her a sense of responsibility and obligation to the Ashwood legacy. They had planned her future, envisioning a marriage that would secure the family's status and wealth. The idea of defying those plans, of pursuing a love that defied societal norms, was a terrifying prospect. Eliza feared the disgrace that would come to her family, the ruin of her carefully constructed life.

Yet, every moment spent with Thomas only deepened her resolve. His kindness, his intelligence, and his unwavering support filled a void in her heart that nothing else could. Eliza found herself longing for the simple, genuine moments they shared, the comfort of his presence and the joy that his love brought into her life. She realized that her happiness, her true happiness, lay in the love she felt for Thomas, not in the expectations of her family.

Eliza's internal conflict was a relentless torment. She loved her family and respected their wishes, but she also loved Thomas with a passion that she could no longer ignore. She spent sleepless nights wrestling with her emotions, her mind a whirlwind of doubt and determination. She knew that she could not continue living a lie, that she had to make a choice between her heart and her duty.

One evening, as she stood before her mirror, staring at her reflection, Eliza made a decision. She would speak to her parents, reveal her feelings for Thomas, and face the consequences. She knew it would be a difficult conversation, but she also knew that she could no longer live in silence. She owed it to herself and to Thomas to be honest about her heart.

As she prepared to face her parents, Eliza's heart was filled with a mixture of fear and hope. She was ready to fight for her love, to defy the expectations that had been laid out for her. She was willing to face whatever consequences might come, as long as she could be true to herself and to the man who had captured her heart.

The Heart-Wrenching Confession

Eliza took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that was about to unfold. She found her parents in the drawing room, their faces a mask of calm as they sipped their tea. Eliza's heart pounded in her chest as she approached them, her hands trembling slightly. "Father, Mother," she began, her voice steady but filled with emotion, "I need to talk to you about something important."

Lady Ashwood set down her teacup, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What is it, Eliza? Out with it."

Eliza took a deep breath, her eyes meeting her parents' with a mixture of determination and fear. "I... I have something to confess. I... I am in love."

Both of her parents' faces paled, their expressions shifting from surprise to concern. Lord Ashwood's stern gaze softened slightly, while Lady Ashwood's eyes filled with a mixture of shock and worry. "Eliza, what do you mean? With whom?" Her voice was a hushed whisper, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile reality they all lived in.

Eliza's heart ached as she forced herself to speak the words that had been burning in her chest for so long. "I am in love with Thomas, the servant who tends the garden. I... I can't deny it any longer. I love him with all my heart."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the air thick with the weight of unspoken words. Lord Ashwood's face darkened, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed her words. "Thomas? The servant? Eliza, this is unthinkable. How could you even entertain such a notion?"

Lady Ashwood's eyes filled with tears, her voice trembling. "Eliza, you must be mistaken. This cannot be real. You must forget him immediately."

Eliza's heart broke as she looked at her parents, seeing the pain and disappointment in their eyes. She knew that their reaction was inevitable, but the words still felt like a dagger to her soul. "I am not mistaken, Mother. I am in love with Thomas, and I cannot change that. I... I cannot live a lie any longer."

Lord Ashwood's voice was cold and stern. "Eliza, you must understand the consequences of your actions. This is not just about you. It is about the Ashwood legacy, about our reputation and honor. You cannot throw all of that away for a mere servant."

Eliza's eyes filled with tears, her heart aching with the weight of their words. "I know, Father. I know the risks. But I cannot live without Thomas. He has given me a love that I never thought possible, a love that makes me feel alive. I cannot deny my feelings any longer."

Lady Ashwood's voice broke, her tears flowing freely. "Eliza, you don't understand. This is more than just a love affair. It is a betrayal of everything we stand for. You are putting our entire family at risk."

Eliza's heart was in turmoil, torn between her love for Thomas and her duty to her family. She knew that her parents were right, that the consequences of her actions could be devastating. But she also knew that she could not live a life of lies, that she had to be true to herself and to the man who had captured her heart.

As the conversation continued, Eliza's resolve only strengthened. She knew that she would face consequences, but she was willing to bear them. She would fight for her love, even if it meant losing everything.

The Unraveling of Dreams

The days following Eliza's confession were a whirlwind of turmoil and heartache. Lord and Lady Ashwood were determined to put an end to what they saw as a scandalous relationship, and their actions were swift and unforgiving. Eliza was forbidden from seeing Thomas, her movements closely monitored by the household staff. The garden, once a sanctuary for their secret meetings, became a place of dread, its beauty marred by the weight of their separation.

Eliza's heart was in shambles, each day a painful reminder of the love she had been forced to abandon. She spent her nights in tears, her mind a constant echo of the words spoken by her parents. The walls of the grand estate seemed to close in around her, the once familiar surroundings now a prison of her own making. Her once vibrant spirit dimmed, her laughter replaced by a hollow echo of its former self.

Thomas, too, was not immune to the devastation. He could sense the change in Eliza, the sadness that clouded her eyes and weighed heavily on her heart. He longed to reach out to her, to offer her the comfort she so desperately needed, but he knew that any attempt would only worsen her situation. His heart ached with every passing day, his love for Eliza a silent but relentless torment.

The household was abuzz with the news of Eliza's forbidden love, the servants whispering behind closed doors and the guests at social gatherings casting judgmental glances her way. Eliza's reputation was under siege, her once impeccable standing now tarnished by the scandal. The pressure was immense, and she found herself questioning her every action, her every decision.

Despite the distance imposed upon them, Eliza and Thomas found ways to communicate. Secret notes were passed through the estate, their words a lifeline in the storm of their separation. Each letter was a balm to their wounded hearts, a reminder of the love that had once brought them together. But even these brief exchanges were fraught with danger, each note a potential discovery that could lead to even greater consequences.

Eliza's parents, relentless in their efforts to break her spirit, increased the pressure. They sought to distract her with social engagements and scholarly pursuits, hoping to divert her attention from Thomas. But Eliza's heart remained steadfast, her love for Thomas an unyielding force that defied their attempts to sever their bond.

The strain of their situation began to take its toll on Eliza's health. She grew pale and weak, her once vibrant energy sapped by the emotional and physical weight of her plight. The Ashwood estate, once a symbol of her family's power and prestige, now felt like a gilded cage, confining her spirit and threatening to crush her soul.

Thomas, watching from a distance, felt the same despair. He saw the pain in Eliza's eyes, the way her once bright smile had faded into a shadow of its former self. His heart ached with every passing day, his love for her a beacon of hope in the darkness that had enveloped her life.

As the days turned into weeks, the love between Eliza and Thomas remained unbroken, a testament to their unwavering devotion to each other. They faced their trials with courage and resilience, their bond stronger for the hardships they endured. But the weight of their circumstances was a constant reminder of the dangers that loomed over them, a reminder that their love, while powerful, was also fragile and vulnerable to the world's judgment.

The Breaking Point

The weight of their secret love became too much for Eliza to bear. The constant pressure from her parents, the judgment of society, and the physical and emotional toll of their separation began to erode her spirit. One evening, as the moon cast a silvery glow over the Ashwood estate, Eliza made a desperate decision. She would run away, escape the confines of her life and the expectations that had been laid upon her.

Eliza slipped out of the manor under the cover of darkness, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. She made her way to the garden, where Thomas had promised to meet her. The garden, once a place of solace, now felt like a battlefield, each step she took a step closer to the unknown.

Thomas was waiting for her, his face a mask of concern and hope. "Eliza, I knew you would come," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I've been so worried about you."

Eliza's eyes filled with tears as she threw her arms around him, her body shaking with the weight of her emotions. "Thomas, I can't stay any longer. The pressure is too much. I need to be with you, even if it means losing everything."

Thomas held her close, his heart aching with the depth of her words. "Eliza, I understand. I've felt the same. But we must be careful. Running away is not a solution. It will only make things worse."

Eliza pulled back, her eyes searching Thomas's face for reassurance. "I know, Thomas. But I can't go back. I can't live a lie any longer. I need you, and I need to be free to love you."

Thomas's heart broke as he looked into her eyes, seeing the pain and determination that burned within them. He knew that Eliza was right, that running away was not the answer, but he also knew that he could not bear to see her suffer any longer. "Eliza, I love you more than words can express. But we must be smart about this. We need a plan, a way to make a life together without the world's judgment."

Eliza nodded, her tears drying on her cheeks as she took a deep breath. "I trust you, Thomas. I know you will guide me. I just need to be with you, to feel your love and support."

Thomas led Eliza to a secluded part of the garden, away from the prying eyes of the household staff. He took her hands in his, his gaze steady and resolute. "Eliza, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to protect you and to build a life together. But we must be patient, and we must be careful. We cannot rush into anything without a solid plan."

Eliza's heart swelled with hope and love as she looked into Thomas's eyes. "I believe in you, Thomas. I believe that we can find a way, that our love can overcome everything. I just need you."

Thomas's eyes softened as he pulled Eliza into his arms, holding her close as if to shield her from the world's dangers. "I love you, Eliza. More than anything. And I will do whatever it takes to be with you, to build a life that is truly ours. But we must be strong, and we must be smart."

Eliza's heart felt lighter as she rested her head on Thomas's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. She knew that their journey would be fraught with challenges, but she also knew that their love was strong enough to overcome them. "I love you too, Thomas. And I will stand by you no matter what."

As they stood there in the moonlit garden, their hearts beating in unison, Eliza and Thomas made a silent vow to each other. They would face the world together, their love a beacon of hope in the darkness. They would fight for their happiness, no matter the cost.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

The days that followed were a blur of desperation and hope. Eliza and Thomas knew that their time was limited, that the authorities would not be long in finding them. They spent their days in hiding, moving from one safe house to another, always looking over their shoulders for the threat of discovery. Each night, they found solace in each other's arms, their love a fragile yet resilient thread that held them together in the face of adversity.

As the authorities closed in, Eliza and Thomas knew that their time was running out. They had to make a decision, a choice that would determine the course of their lives. Eliza looked into Thomas's eyes, her heart heavy with the weight of their reality. "Thomas," she whispered, her voice trembling, "we can't keep running. They will find us eventually. We need a plan, a way to ensure that our love endures, even if we cannot be together."

Thomas's eyes filled with a mixture of love and sorrow. "Eliza, I have been thinking about this. There is only one way to ensure that our love endures, that our sacrifice is not in vain. We must marry, legally. It is our only chance to be together, to build a life that is truly ours."

Eliza's eyes widened in shock and fear. "Thomas, I can't marry you. It is illegal, and it would mean losing everything—our freedom, our family, our future. I can't ask you to do that."

Thomas's grip on her hand tightened, his voice firm and resolute. "Eliza, you must understand. Marrying me is the only way we can be together, the only way to ensure that our love endures. I am willing to face the consequences, to give up everything for you. But I need you to be with me, to stand by my side."

Eliza's heart ached with the weight of Thomas's words. She knew that he was right, that their love was worth any sacrifice. But the idea of losing everything, of defying society's expectations, was a daunting prospect. "Thomas, I love you more than anything. But I am afraid of what will happen if we marry. I am afraid of losing you, of losing everything we have built together."

Thomas's eyes softened as he pulled Eliza into his arms, holding her close as if to shield her from the world's dangers. "Eliza, you must trust me. I will protect you, I will fight for us. We can make this work, we can build a life together. But we must be brave, and we must be united."

Eliza's heart swelled with love and determination as she looked into Thomas's eyes. She saw the depth of his devotion, the unwavering commitment he had for her. She knew that he was right, that their love was worth any sacrifice. "Thomas, I trust you. I will marry you, and I will stand by your side no matter what."

As they stood there in the dim light of their hidden sanctuary, Eliza and Thomas made their final vow to each other. They would marry, defy society's expectations, and fight for their love. They would face the world together, their hearts united by a love that was as powerful as it was dangerous.

Their wedding was a secret ceremony, held in the early hours of dawn to avoid detection. They exchanged vows in a small, secluded chapel, their hearts beating in unison as they promised to love and support each other through every trial and tribulation. The ceremony was simple but profound, a testament to their love and their commitment to each other.

As they emerged from the chapel, hand in hand, Eliza and Thomas knew that their journey had only just begun. They faced the world with a newfound sense of purpose and determination, their love a beacon of hope in a world that sought to crush them. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united by a love that was as powerful as it was fragile.

The Heart-Wrenching End

The authorities discovered Eliza and Thomas's marriage soon after the ceremony. The news spread like wildfire through the estate and the surrounding villages, igniting a firestorm of outrage and scandal. Lord and Lady Ashwood were devastated, their pride and reputation shattered by their daughter's defiance. Eliza was immediately confined to her room, her parents refusing to speak to her or acknowledge her existence.

Thomas, determined to protect Eliza, stood by her side, his love unwavering despite the danger it posed to him. He was dismissed from his position at the estate, his future prospects ruined. The villagers turned their backs on him, their judgmental stares a constant reminder of the price he had paid for his love.

Eliza's heart was in tatters, her spirit broken by the weight of her parents' rejection and the world's condemnation. She spent her days in solitude, her once vibrant spirit dimmed by the sorrow that enveloped her. Thomas, though strong and resilient, could see the despair in her eyes, the pain that gnawed at her soul.

One evening, as the moon cast a silvery glow over the estate, Thomas took Eliza into the garden, the same place where their love had blossomed. He held her close, his voice trembling with emotion. "Eliza, I am so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I love you more than anything, and I would do anything to make things right."

Eliza's eyes filled with tears, her voice a whisper. "Thomas, I know. But I can't bear the pain any longer. I can't live in this world of judgment and rejection. I need to be free, to find peace."

Thomas's heart broke as he looked into Eliza's eyes, seeing the pain and determination that burned within them. He knew that she was right, that she needed to be free from the world's constraints. "Eliza, please don't do this. I can't live without you. I love you, and I will always love you."

Eliza pulled back, her eyes searching Thomas's face for one last moment of solace. "Thomas, I love you too. But I need to be free, to find the peace that has eluded me. I am so sorry."

Thomas's heart ached with the weight of Eliza's words. He knew that he could not stop her, that her determination was unwavering. "Eliza, I will always love you, no matter what. But I need you to be happy, to find the peace that you deserve."

Eliza's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she looked into Thomas's eyes, her heart aching with the weight of her decision. "Thomas, I will always love you. And I will never forget the love we shared. I am so sorry for the pain I have caused you."

Thomas's eyes filled with tears as he pulled Eliza into his arms, holding her close as if to shield her from the world's dangers. "Eliza, you have given me the greatest gift of my life—the love of a kind and beautiful soul. I will always cherish that love, no matter what."

As they stood there in the moonlit garden, their hearts beating in unison, Eliza and Thomas made their final farewell. They knew that their love had been powerful and beautiful, a testament to the strength of the human spirit. But they also knew that their love had come at a great cost, a sacrifice that had forever changed their lives.

Eliza took a deep breath, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. "Thomas, I need to go. I need to find the peace that has eluded me. I will always love you, and I will never forget you."

Thomas's eyes filled with tears as he released Eliza, his heart aching with the weight of her departure. "Eliza, be happy, be free. I will always love you, and I will always remember the love we shared."

Eliza walked away from Thomas, her heart breaking with each step. She knew that she was leaving a piece of her heart behind, that her love for Thomas would forever be a part of her. But she also knew that she needed to find the peace that had eluded her, to build a life that was truly her own.

Thomas watched Eliza disappear into the darkness, his heart aching with the weight of her departure. He knew that their love had been powerful and beautiful, a testament to the strength of the human spirit. But he also knew that their love had come at a great cost, a sacrifice that had forever changed their lives.

As the moon cast its silvery glow over the garden, Eliza and Thomas's love story came to an end. Their love had been powerful and beautiful, a testament to the strength of the human spirit. But it had also been tragic and heartbreaking, a reminder of the dangers that love can face in a world that often seeks to crush it.

User: 写一篇10000字的中国旅游指南

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  1. 北京:中国大饭店、如家快捷酒店、南锣鼓巷传统客栈。
  2. 上海:浦东香格里拉大酒店、7天连锁酒店、豫园传统客栈。
  3. 成都:成都希尔顿酒店、汉庭酒店、宽窄巷子传统客栈。
  4. 丽江:四方街客栈、丽江古城青年旅舍。
  5. 苏州:平江客栈、苏州园林酒店。
  6. 厦门:鼓浪屿青年旅舍、厦门国际酒店。
















  1. 随身物品安全:在公共场所,如火车站、机场、旅游景点等,游客应时刻注意随身物品的安全。贵重物品应随身携带,避免放在无人看管的地方。此外,游客应避免夜间单独行动,尤其是在偏僻或人烟稀少的地方。

  2. 交通安全:在乘坐公共交通工具时,游客应遵守交通规则,如过马路时要走斑马线,乘坐出租车时要确保司机使用计价器。自驾游的游客应熟悉当地交通规则,遵守交通信号,确保行车安全。

  3. 自然灾害:中国部分地区可能发生自然灾害,如地震、洪水、台风等。游客在旅行前应关注目的地的天气和自然灾害预警,提前做好应对准备。在自然灾害发生时,游客应听从当地政府和导游的安排,避免前往危险区域。

  4. 社会治安:中国整体社会治安良好,但在一些地区,游客仍需注意个人安全。避免夜间单独外出,特别是在人烟稀少的地方。如遇到紧急情况,应及时报警并寻求帮助。


  1. 饮食卫生:中国的饮食文化丰富多样,但游客在品尝当地美食时,应特别注意饮食卫生。避免食用生冷食品、街边小吃和不熟悉的食物,以防食物中毒。游客还应携带一些常用的药物,如感冒药、消炎药、创可贴等。

  2. 水土不服:中国地域辽阔,各地水质和气候条件不同,游客在旅行过程中可能会出现水土不服的情况。建议游客提前准备一些常用的药物,如止泻药、消炎药等。此外,游客应多喝水,保持身体水分平衡。

  3. 防晒和防蚊虫:在户外活动时,游客应做好防晒措施,如涂抹防晒霜、戴帽子和太阳镜等。同时,应避免蚊虫叮咬,携带防蚊虫叮咬的药物和用品,如蚊香、防蚊液等。

  4. 医疗保健:游客在旅行前应了解目的地的医疗资源和保健设施,如医院、药店等。在旅行过程中,如出现身体不适,应及时就医。此外,游客应购买旅游保险,以应对可能的医疗费用和紧急情况。







  • 春季:北方地区春季气温适中,万物复苏,绿意盎然。北京、天津等地的樱花盛开,哈尔滨的冰雪节也是春季的好时节,可以欣赏到美丽的冰雕和雪景。
  • 秋季:北方地区秋季气候宜人,秋高气爽,景色宜人。北京、西安等地的红叶季节,景色壮观,是摄影爱好者的最佳选择。此外,秋季的丰收季节,游客还可以品尝到各种新鲜的水果和美食。




  • 春季:中部地区春季气温适中,气候宜人,是游览武汉、长沙等城市的最佳时节。此时,武汉的樱花盛开,长沙的岳麓山也是春游的好去处。
  • 秋季:中部地区秋季气候凉爽,秋高气爽,是游览南京、杭州等城市的理想季节。南京的桂花香气四溢,杭州的西湖美景更是令人陶醉。




  • 春季:南方地区春季气候温暖,万物复苏,是游览广州、深圳等城市的最佳时节。此时,广州的荔枝花盛开,深圳的华侨城也是春季游玩的好地方。
  • 秋季:南方地区秋季气候宜人,秋高气爽,是游览厦门、福州等城市的理想季节。厦门的鼓浪屿、福州的三坊七巷等景点,秋季景色尤为迷人。




  • 夏季:西部地区夏季气候凉爽,是游览青藏高原、九寨沟等景区的最佳时节。青藏高原的蓝天白云、九寨沟的翠湖碧水,都是夏季的独特美景。
  • 秋季:西部地区秋季气候宜人,秋高气爽,是游览新疆、甘肃等地的理想季节。此时,新疆的瓜果飘香,甘肃的丹霞地貌色彩斑斓,景色壮观。





  1. 签证办理:根据您的国籍和旅行目的,提前办理相应的签证。中国签证办理流程较为复杂,建议提前了解并准备好所有必要的材料。

  2. 行程规划:提前规划您的旅行路线和行程,包括景点、住宿、交通等。这样可以避免在旅途中因不确定因素而浪费时间。

  3. 预订机票和酒店:提前预订机票和酒店,可以享受更优惠的价格。特别是在旅游旺季,提前预订可以确保您的行程顺利。

  4. 购买旅游保险:购买旅游保险,以应对可能的突发情况,如意外伤害、疾病、行李丢失等。

  5. 了解当地文化和习俗:在旅行前,了解目的地的文化和习俗,尊重当地的风俗习惯,避免不必要的冲突。


  1. 随身携带重要文件:如护照、签证、身份证、机票等,并确保这些文件的安全。

  2. 随身物品:携带一些必要的随身物品,如钱包、手机、相机、充电器、转换插头等。同时,注意保管好贵重物品,避免丢失或被盗。

  3. 交通规则:熟悉目的地的交通规则,特别是在自驾游时,遵守交通信号和规定,确保行车安全。

  4. 饮食卫生:在品尝当地美食时,注意饮食卫生,避免食用生冷食品和不熟悉的食物,以防食物中毒。

  5. 防晒和防蚊虫:在户外活动时,做好防晒和防蚊虫叮咬的措施,携带防晒霜、防蚊液等用品。


  1. 紧急情况:如遇紧急情况,如丢失证件、生病、意外伤害等,及时报警并联系旅行社或当地朋友寻求帮助。

  2. 医疗保健:了解目的地的医疗资源和保健设施,如医院、药店等。在旅行前准备一些常用的药物,如感冒药、消炎药、创可贴等。

  3. 网络通讯:确保手机和网络畅通,可以购买当地的电话卡或使用国际漫游服务,以便在紧急情况下与家人和朋友联系。







📝 Citation

If you find our work useful, please kindly cite:

  title={LongWriter: Unleashing 10,000+ Word Generation from Long Context LLMs}, 
  author={Yushi Bai and Jiajie Zhang and Xin Lv and Linzhi Zheng and Siqi Zhu and Lei Hou and Yuxiao Dong and Jie Tang and Juanzi Li},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.07055},


LongWriter: Unleashing 10,000+ Word Generation from Long Context LLMs







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