If you want more anomalies to explore and experiment with, then you might like this mod.
Mod adding new anomalies for Anomaly DLC. With it own benefits and risks. Most anomalies here give you some benefit for keeping them in colony with it own containment risks, rather than being just a temporary threat event to the colony like most of anomalies from DLC. Mod have it own research tab Anomalies Expected, which work same way as Anomaly tab. Also this mod adding a reworked Entity Codex as new Entity Database, which allowing to read study notes, carry over study progress between anomalies and see all information related to each entity. On some study notes label and description of anomaly might change to fit the current understanding of the anomaly. Additionally some study notes will unlock new research projects to motivate full study of related anomaly. While usually I try to explain in mod description how mod content work in details, due to the main interest of anomalies is to discover and study them, I won't spoil it.
Anomalies Classification:
- Class 0 anomaly "Safe".
- Class 1 anomaly "Caution".
- Class 2 anomaly "Warning".
- Class 3 anomaly "Danger".
- Class 4 anomaly "Critical".
Currently available:
- 6 Anomaly of basic category
- 6 Anomaly of advanced category
While Anomalies Expected made for Anomaly DLC, it include non-anomaly patch, which will cut DLC only parts like process of anomaly studying and related to it notes, if DLC not available. But will still allow you to recieve some of the content from this mod.
Should have no compatibility issues with other mods.
Supported languages:
- English,
- Russian,
- Japanese (available on JP mod database site),
- Chinese (available on workshop by Kagami)
Anomalies Expected mod should be safe to add to existing save. But when you want to remove it, better make backup save just in case and remove all anomalies off map from mod.
- More anomalies in development and will be added, when ready.