Utility to generate a Spring Boot and gradle based application (deployable as a microservice) for exposing a resource via RESTFUL APIs. The generation of the application / APIscan be controlled via declarative config provided in appconfig.yaml.
Given a resource (say car):
Generated code:
- Spring Boot main application class 'Application.java' (if set to true in appconfig)
- Model for the resource (Car.java) backed by a Abstract entity (AbstractEntity) for common attributes like ID etc
- Controller to route http requests (CarController)
- Service interfaces and implementation (CarService, CarServiceImpl)
- Spring data Repository (CarRepository.java)
Versioning: RESTGen tries to follow semantic versioning as described here: http://semver.org/
RESTGen is a gradle based project.
To generate code:
With default config yaml which comes with this source code:
gradle run
With specified config yaml file:
gradle run -PappArgs="['path to yaml config']"
- example:
gradle run -PappArgs="['appconfig.yml']"
where appconfig.yml exists in the current directory
- example:
boot-application: true
package: com.mrbhatt.test
resource: plane
make: string
model: string
color: string
price: int