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Datasets from "Optimal growth conditions of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri causing massive fish mortality in Northern Norway"

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Datasets from "Optimal growth conditions of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri causing massive fish mortality in Northern Norway"

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Experimental design

The study used a high-throughput experimental design to screen the growth rates of the fish-killing haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri, which caused massive fish mortality in Northern Norway in 1991 and 2019. The figure below shows a schematic depiction of the experimental design.


Data analysis

All files used for data processing, analysis and Arduino light panel programming are in the Analysis folder using R (version 4.2.1).


Datasets used in high-throughput Chrysochromulina leadbeateri (HTCL) growth rate experiments

HTCL_dataset_metadata.csv / HTCL_dataset_metadata.xlsx

Dataset with Chrysochromulina leadbeateri chlorophyll-a measurement with full metadata.

Column description:

  • Date_Time – Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) and time (in HH:MM:SS format) for each in vivo chlorophyll-a measurement
  • Date – Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) for each in vivo chlorophyll-a measurement
  • Time – Time (in HHMM format) for each in vivo chlorophyll-a measurement
  • Experiment.x – Experimental name
  • ID_unique – Unique well identifier for each plate (concatenation of well ID (Row and Col) with Plate.x)
  • Plate.x – Plate number in the experiment
  • ID – Well identifier
  • Row – Well row
  • Col – Well column
  • Chl – Measured in vivo chlorophyll-a measurement in Chrysochromulina leadbeateri
  • Well – Well identifier (identical to ID)
  • Plate.y – Plate number in the experiment (identical to Plate.x)
  • Light_panel – Identification of which light panel used
  • Group – Taxonomic clade of species
  • Genus – Taxonomic genus of species
  • Species – Taxonomic species name
  • Strain_Experiment_Replicate – Description of strain from which experiment and replicate (concatenation of Strain, Experiment.x and replicate)
  • Strain_Experiment – Description of strain from which experiment (concatenation of Strain and Experiment.x)
  • Strain – Strain of Chrysochromulina leadbeateri used
  • Species_Strain – Description of species and which strain (concatenation of Species and Strain)
  • Medium – Medium used in the experiment
  • Replicate – Identification of technical replicate within experiment for combination of culture condition
  • Salinity – Salinity treatment of the medium
  • Temperature – Temperature treatment (°C)
  • Light_period – Number of hours (h) with light on in a given day
  • Light_intensity – Irradiance treatment (µmol m-2 s-1)
  • Experiment.y – Identification of experiment
  • Timepassed – Time passed since starting experiment (based on the time of the first measurement)
  • Day – Time passed in number of days (rounded from Timepassed to integer)

metaPR2_Chrysochromulina_leadbeateri.csv / metaPR2_Chrysochromulina_leadbeateri.xlsx

Extracted data from the metaPR2 dataset for species Chrysochromulina leadbeateri.

Column description:

  • depth – Depth level (m) of the metabarcode sample
  • salinity – Salinity at sampling site
  • temperature – Temperature (°C) at sampling site
  • asv_code – Assigned amplicon sequence variant (ASV) code of Chrysochromulina leadbeateri
  • n_reads_pct – Percentage (%) read of ASV out of total reads
  • longitude – Coordinate indicating the north-south position of the sample (°N / °S)
  • latitude – Coordinate indicating the east-west position of the sample (°E / °W)

HTCL_dataset_validation.csv / HTCL_dataset_validation.xlsx

Dataset with Chrysochromulina leadbeateri strain UIO394 in vivo chlorophyll-a measurements and cell concentations (cells mL-1).

Column description:

  • Replicate – Identification of replicate
  • Day – Time passed (d) since experiment start
  • IVF_mean – Mean in vivo chlorophyll-a measurements of Chrysochromulina leadbeateri
  • IVF_sd – Standard deviation of mean in vivo chlorophyll-a measurements for technical replicates
  • Cell_conc – Cell concentration of Chrysochromulina leadbeateri determined by manual cell counting (cells mL-1)
  • Species – Taxonomic Species name
  • Temp – Temperature (°C)
  • Salintiy – Salinity of the medium
  • Date – Date (in DD-MM-YYYY format)


Dataset with Chrysochromulina leadbeateri maximum specific growth rates obtained from the spline models.

Column description:

  • Strain – Strain of Chrysochromulina leadbeateri used
  • Salinity – Salinity treatment of the medium
  • Temperature – Temperature treatment (°C)
  • Irradiance – Irradiance treatment (µmol m-2 s-1)
  • Experiment ID – Identification of experiment
  • Maximum specific growth rate – The maximum specific growth rate (d-1) estimated for given combination of Strain, Salinity, Temperature, Irradiance and Experiment ID
  • Standard deviation – Standard deviation of the maximum specific growth rates of all technical replicates for given combination of Strain, Salinity, Temperature, Irradiance and Experiment ID


Datasets from "Optimal growth conditions of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri causing massive fish mortality in Northern Norway"







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