Goal of the project is a fully featured Android app connecting to LiquidFeedback v2 API server.
LiquiDroid supports the following (API read-only) features:
- API key authentication, multipe LiquidFeedback accounts,
- Multiple LiquidFeedback instances sync, offline SQL cache,
- Browsing of unit & area, issue & initiative, member & contacts,
- Calendar sync & notifications,
- Languages: english, german.
LiquiDroid supports the following experimental (API write) features:
- Unit & area delegation,
- Add & remove contacts.
- Create new issue.
LiquiDroid will support the following features in the near future:
- Share issues & initiatives with hashtag for facebook, twitter, etc.,
- LiquidFeedback instance statistics,
- More to be written..
LiquiDroid is supported on Android platforms v14 (aka Ice Cream Sandwitch) onwards.
To keep updated about the development, feel free to follow us on twitter: @LiquiDroidApp.
This project has the following dependencies:
liquidfeedback-java-sdk which can be downloaded here,
ActionBarSherlock which can be downloaded here,
Gson which (already integrated in the project files) can be downloaded here,
Javascript Markdown Rocketwiki (already integrated in the project files) can be downloaded here,
Joda-Time which (already integrated in the project files) can be downloaded here,
PrettyTime which (already integrated in the project files) can be downloaded here,
ViewPagerIndicator which (already integrated in the project files) can be downloaded here.
For more information see the following wiki pages.
Copyright (c) 2012 Jakob Flierl
This project is open source with Apache License, v.2.0.