A simple paint app using JavaScript to create rectangle on canvas element on mouse drag
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Pseudo-Element is a property which when added to a selector gives you functionality to style a specific part of the selected element(s) differently. For example, ::first-letter element can be used to change the first letter of a paragraph.
/* This will change first letter of every <p> element to red color and font-size to extra large. */
p::first-letter {
color: red;
font-size: xx-large;
CSS classes can also be used with pseudo-elements −
selector.class:pseudo-element {
property: value
Note: pseudo-classes are also used to style elements based on their state.
property: value;
You can use only one pseudo-element for a selector. It must appear after the simple selectors in the statement.
Note: As a rule, double colons (::) are preffered instead of a single colon (:). This distinguishes pseudo-classes from psedo-elements.However, since this distinction was not present in older versions of the W3C spec, most browsers support both syntaxes for the original pseudo-elements.
Pseudo-elements defined by a set of CSS specifications include the following:
[::after (:after)]
Use this element to insert some content after an element.
[::before (:before)]
Use this element to insert some content before an element.
[::cue-region ]
This can be used to style captions and other cues in media with VTT tracks
Use this element to add special styles to the first line/letter of the text in a selector.
Use this to represent a text segment which the user agent has flagged as grammatically incorrect
Used for styling the stylistic marker of a list element
Used represents the placeholder text in an or <textarea> element.
Used to represents a text segment which the user agent has flagged as incorrectly spelled
It allows authors to choose how to highlight that section of text