Just a casual, simple person, nothing extraordinary at a first glance. But beneath the surface lies a unique and peculiar one. With his own experiences, desires, passions... Man can only hope there will be more good than bad ones.
Iβm driven by curiosity, how those small and shinny little gadgets around us work. How they influence our desires and needs? That small piece of software you use daily, how does it run? Asking all those questions led me here so i can share the answers with anyone around me.
- Relfection of values
- Facing Impostor Syndrome: Challenges, Growth, and a Million Mistakes
- Let me tell you a story
- Perfect note taking system
- Note Taking as a Learning Tool: How to Retain Knowledge and Spark New Ideas
Iβve documented my journey through various learning resources in a large mono-repository. Each project includes detailed README files to help others pickup few snippets. Documenting and writing while i code also helps me to share my thoughts with the perfect listener, my own self.
- CS50: A dive into computer science fundamentals, algorithms, and problem-solving.
- 100 Days of Python: Building 100 projects in Python, from web scraping to data visualization.
- The Odin Project: Foundations of web development, progressing to full-stack JavaScript.
- Automate the Boring Stuff: Using Python to automate everyday tasks like handling files, web scraping, and more.
Explore the rest of my learning projects:
- Tool for generating fair and balanced employee schedules using React, Node.js, and MongoDB.
- Static site built with Astro.js. Collection of my private notes serving as an knowledge base.