AppUtilsLibrary is a fast and efficient open source. AppUtils is a library with many classes that we use regularly.
- CameraGalleryUtils
- CompressFileUtils
- FileHelperUtils
- PermissionUtils
- DialogUtil
- EditTextUtils
- GeneralAppUtils
- IsEmpty
- KeyBordUtils
- LayoutUtils
- LogsUtils
- NetworkUtils
- NotificationUtils
- PreferenceUtils
- ValidationUtils
- TextViewUtils
- TimeUtil
You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page.
Or use Gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.MohsinaliEMed:AppUtilsLibrary:1.0.1'
Simple use cases will look something like this:
// For a simple view for Check Network connection:
isNetworkConnected(context,"Internet not connected")
// For a simple image list we use Glide:
val imageView: ImageView = findViewById<View>( as ImageView
LayoutUtils.setImageView(mContext, ImageView,imgViewLoadUrl,R.drawable.loading_spinner,R.drawable.img_error)
// For Round Set Image
LayoutUtils.setImageViewRounded(mContext, ImageView,imgViewLoadUrl,R.drawable.loading_spinner,R.drawable.img_error)
// For show msg on Logcat
// For Tost Message
LogsUtils.showToast(context,"Hello World")