New M@TE! model:
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Model Submitter:
Andres Felipe Rodriguez Corcho (0000-0002-1521-7910)
Model Creator(s):
- Andrés Felipe Rodríguez Corcho (0000-0002-1521-7910)
- Sara Polanco (0000-0002-1270-4377)
- Rebecca Farrington (0000-0002-2594-6965)
- Romain Beucher (0000-0003-3891-5444)
- Camilo Montes (0000-0002-3553-0787)
- Louis Moresi (0000-0003-3685-174X)
Model name:
(this will be the name of the model repository when created)
Model long name:
The Role of Lithospheric-Deep Mantle Interactions on the Style and Stress Evolution of Arc-Continent Collision
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Model Category:
- model published in study
Model Status:
- completed
Associated Publication title:
We investigate how the mechanical properties of intra-oceanic arcs affect the collision style and associated stress-strain evolution with buoyancy-driven models of subduction that accurately reproduce the dynamic interaction of the lithosphere and mantle. We performed a series of simulations only varying the effective arc thickness as it controls the buoyancy of intra-oceanic arcs. Our simulations spontaneously evolve into two contrasting styles of collision that are controlled by a 3% density contrast between the arc and the continental plate. In simulations with less buoyant arcs (15–31 km; effective thickness), we observe arc-transference to the overriding plate and slab-anchoring and folding at the 660 km transition zone that result in fluctuations in the slab dip, strain-stress regime, surface kinematics, and viscous dissipation. After slab-folding occurs, the gravitational potential energy is dissipated in the form of lithospheric flow causing lithospheric extension in the overriding plate. Conversely, simulations with more buoyant arcs (32–35 km; effective thickness) do not lead to arc-transference and result in slab break-off, which causes an asymptotic trend in surface kinematics, viscous dissipation and strain-stress regime, and lithospheric extension in the overriding plate. The results of our numerical modeling highlight the importance of slab-anchoring and folding in the 660 km transition zone on increasing the mechanical coupling of the subduction system.
Scientific Keywords:
- buoyancy contrast
- gravitational collapse
- arc-collision
- slab-folding
- slab-anchoring
- Australian Research Council's ITRH Project
- Colombian Government PhD Scholarship
- Colombian Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists
- Auscope
- Nectar Research Cloud
- National Computational Infrastructure
** No embargo on model contents requested****Include model code:**
Model code existing URL/DOI:
Model code notes:
The model is set up using a python script and uses the Underworld 2 geodynamic code. In the GitHub repo, the original script used to run the model is available, and also the script used for post-processing.
Include model output data:
Model output data notes:
The output consists of xdmf and h5 files. There is one xdmf file per time step (every 0.5 Myr) and a set of h5 files that contain the distinct model properties.
Software Framework DOI/URL:
Found software: Underworld2
Software Repository:
Name of primary software framework:
Software & algorithm keywords:
- Python
- Finite Element
- Particle-in-cell
Landing page image:
Filename: landing_image.png
Caption: Stress evolution of more buoyant arc-continent collision. This style of collision results in slab break-off
Filename: animation
Caption: Evolution of less buoyant arc-continent collision. This style of collision results in arc transference to the continental overriding plate.
Graphic abstract:
Filename: graphic_abstract.png
Caption: This research shows that a buoyancy contrast of 3% between the colliding buoyant remnant arc and the continental plate determines the style of collision. A buoyancy contrast less than 3% results in arc transference to the continental overriding plate and slab-anchoring . In contrast, a buoyancy contrast more than 3% results in slab break-off and failed arc transference.
Model setup figure:
Filename: model_setup.jpg
Description: The model develops in a cartesian domain 3600 km in length (in the horizontal direction) and 800 km in depth. It includes an oceanic subducting plate (dark yellow), an overriding plate composed by a continental (cyan) and cratonic domain (dark blue), and a ribbon of thicker crust representing a remnant = intra-oceanic arc attached to the oceanic plate (red). The upper mantle and the upper-lower mantle boundary are included to capture deep-mantle slab interactions. Orange, yellow, and dark green dots show locations where subducting plate convergence velocity, the trench-retreat velocity and the overriding plate (OP) retreat velocity were measured. The (b–e) profiles show a schematic lithospheric cross-section of the domains considered in our model set-up. (b) Lithospheric profile of the oceanic plate which is composed by a 7 km thick oceanic crust and the cold-brittle oceanic lithospheric mantle. (c) Lithospheric profile of the cratonic continental lithosphere which is composed by a 40 km thick continental crust and a thermally mature and thicker continental lithospheric mantle. (d) Lithospheric profile of the continental plate which is composed by a 20 km thick continental crust and a thermally mature continental lithospheric mantle. (e) lithospheric profile of the intra-oceanic arc composed by an upper arc-crust of basaltic composition, and a middle-lower arc crust averaged between gabbro (same as basalt) and tonalite. Therefore, a thicker middle-lower intra-oceanic arc crust makes the arc more buoyant. Note that the effective arc thickness is defined as the overall thickness of all crustal levels: upper crust, middle-lower crust. Because the effective thickness of the upper intra-oceanic arc crust tends to be similar to the normal oceanic crust, the middle-lower arc crust can be considered as a free parameter as implemented in Leng & Gurnis [2015].