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GSoC 2015 Timeline

isabelle-dr edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Detailed Timeline

April 27- May 13 (Community Bonding Period) :

Understand GTFS-Realtime specification in more detail. Getting to know related projects(including the GTFS validator, GTFS-rt Visualizer). These will be studied in order to get a more comprehensive idea on what can be leveraged for the validation tool. A wiki page will be created to gather rules to be checked from the community

May 13 - July 3 (Pre-mid term evaluation)

May 13 - June 1:

Develop prototype using web technologies for the front-end. Get community feedback on the prototype and improve upon it. Design the systems architecture. Get feedback and improve upon the architecture Getting Jetty instance running that takes and parses the GTFS and GTFS-rt feeds as inputs. Identify a several tests to be implemented first.

June 1 - June 7 :Break due to exam

Finalize both the interface design and the system design.

June 7 - June 26

June 7 - June 20 : Implementing tests for selected rule that only depends on an individual GTFS-rt stream (ex- Checking the latitude and longitude format)

June 20 - June 26 : Implementing test involving multiple GTFS streams (ex- VehicleDescriptor or TripDescriptor values should match between the two feeds) Implementation should include sample protobuf files as well as the unit test for each rule

June 26 - July 3 : Buffer period for mid term review

Perform code reviews to validate and verify the code. Write any additional required documentation.

July 3 - August 17 (Post-mid term evaluation)

July 3 - July 17:

Implement test using a GTFS feed and the GTFS rt feeds. (ex - All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must appear in the GTFS data) Develop unit test, additional protobuf files needed for the validation Document how to create each type of test

July 17 - August 1 :

Create additional tests of each type with the required tests, files and the documentation Cover the basic requirements gathered in the wiki

August 1 - August 17

Implement test cases for any uncovered cases in the wiki Finalize coding phase. Iron out any bugs, add readme documentation and instructions on how the validation tool is designed.

August 17 - August 21 : (Pencils down period)

Finalize documentation. Do one final code review. Integrate all the components and finish any unfinished work.