9.4.0 Release
What's Changed
New Feature 🎉
- Support for Input Multiplexers by @GioCC in #651
- Copy & Paste one input config to another tab by @DocMoebiuz in #767
Improvement ✨
- Use WMI to detect devices instead of the system registry by @neilenns in #734
- Add row description to transform errors by @neilenns in #742
- Add missing catch when writing log files by @neilenns in #758
- Make the analog pin dropdown wider by @neilenns in #802
- Better drop down width for pins by @DocMoebiuz in #811
- Update to firmware version 2.2.0 Stable by @DocMoebiuz in #815
- Encoder increase by @elral in #807
- Add brightness reference value range explanation by @DocMoebiuz in #816
- Allow to copy and paste rows and only names on output and input grid view by @DocMoebiuz in #787
- Added message to inform that the MSFS2020 key events don't work by @DocMoebiuz in #788
- "No Output Device configured" Message redirects to board settings by @DocMoebiuz in #789
- Correct display and update of empty fields in Output and Input Grid by @DocMoebiuz in #791
- Maintain selection after sort by @DocMoebiuz in #793
- Independent update routine for the input preconditions by @DocMoebiuz in #794
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Make VJoy buttons and axis work again by @DocMoebiuz in #752
- Fix Led Display number dropdown by @DocMoebiuz in #759
- Fix for ConfigReferences are not loaded correctly by @DocMoebiuz in #777
- Fixed the stepper exception by intializing the config correctly by @DocMoebiuz in #778
- Using executeComparison in log message by @DocMoebiuz in #812
- Match FTDI-style VID/PIDs by @neilenns in #781
- Input Device change correctly handled by @DocMoebiuz in #790
- Fixed missing row select on right click by @DocMoebiuz in #792
Other Changes ⚡
- Log and track skip of config execution by @DocMoebiuz in #763
- Update WASM module to 0.5.0 by @DocMoebiuz in #771
- Update to Beta Firmware 2.1.2 by @DocMoebiuz in #773
- Beta release including Hubhop updates by @DocMoebiuz in #779
- Removed debug log messages that were only needed during development by @DocMoebiuz in #803
- Updated Hubhop Events and Version for release by @DocMoebiuz in #819
- Rename Config Pin and change DropDown Type by @DocMoebiuz in #820
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 9.3.2...9.4.0