Core code usable to streamline the development of a slew of applications.
Use MOBCore to make it quicker and easier to implement cloud/group/local defaults. Use MOBCore to add all the functionality you expect built-in objects to already have. Streamline development and spend more time on the tough stuff.
pod 'MOBCore'
import MOBCore
var Defaults = MOBDefaults(group: "", keychain: "app.secureKeychainGroup")
Defaults.local()//defaults only within your app
Defaults.shared()//defaults shared between apps in an app group shared via icloud
defualts.keychain()//defaults encrypted and only shared within your app (password storage)
Defaults.local().set(string: "HI", forKey: "storedValue")
Defaults.local().string(forKey: "storedValue")//"HI"
//Note, when using MOBDefaults you no longer have to call the "synchronize()" method! Defaults are automatically kept in sync.
import MOBCore
Easy as pie! Enjoy!