A Custom Getting Started Layout with custom Fonts and Colors.
Add dependency to
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get_started: 0.0.1
- Import the packages
import 'package:get_started/classes/walkthrough.dart';
import 'package:get_started/classes/page.dart';
import 'package:get_started/get_started.dart';
import 'package:page_indicator/page_indicator.dart';
- Adding GetStarted layout
#With required parameters#
//In the body of your MaterialApp,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: Scaffold(
//Required Field
//body: GetStarted(pageList : pageList),
//Required Field with Optional parameters
body: GetStarted(pageList : pageList, pageStyle: pageObj, indicatorShape : IndicatorShape.circle(size: 12.0),
onFinishPress: _finishPress, onSkipPress: _skipPress),
void _skipPress() {
//define your skipButton functionality here.
void _finishPress() {
//define your lastNextButton functionality here.
#With optional parameters#
//All the properties defined for 'page' have some default values. Hence, you may skip some size, etc. if you wish to! But defining a pageObj of page class is a must, so as to pass it as a parameter in GetStarted().
page pageObj = new page(
bgColor: "#ffffff",
indicatorColor: "#ffffff",
indicatorSelectorColor: "#195599",
nextButtonText: "NEXT",
nextButtonColor: "#195599",
nextButtonFont: "Lato",
nextButtonSize: 20.0,
skipButtonText: "SKIP",
skipButtonFont: "Lato",
skipButtonColor: "#195599",
skipButtonSize: 20.0,
"FINISH", //You may also write "GOT IT" or whatever you wish :)
lastButtonColor: "#1f8e2f",
lastButtonFont: "Lato",
lastButtonSize: 20.0);
//A Page has three sections for Title, Description and an Icon respectively that can be customized for the text, font, color and size.
final List<walkthrough> pageList = [
pageColor: "#48C9B0",
title: "Welcome!",
"Lato", //Don't forget to include yours fonts in pubspec.yaml file.
titleColor: "#ffffff", //Pass the colours as strings of their hex codes.
titleSize: 25.0,
"This is a Scrollable Text Widget. Hence, don't worry if your description goes long. :) \n\nA Page has three sections for Title, Description and an Icon respectively that can be customized for the text, font, color and size.\n\nAll the properties defined for 'walkthrough' have some default values. Hence, you may skip some size, etc. if you wish to!",
descriptionFont: "Lato",
descriptionColor: "#ffffff",
descriptionSize: 16.0,
imageIcon: Icon(
color: Colors.white,
size: 100.0,
Check out the example app in the example directory or the 'Example' tab on pub.dartlang.org for a more complete example.
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