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Create Table create table table1( id varchar(300) primary key, name varchar(200) not null);
Insert insert into table1 (id,name) values ('aa','bb');
Delete delete from table1 where id ='cc';
Update update table1 set id = 'bb' where id='cc';
Query select id,name (case gender when 0 then 'male' when 1 then ‘femal’ end ) gender from table1
Delete Table drop table table1;
Change Table Title alter table table1 rename to table2;
Copy Table Content insert into table1 (select * from table2);
Copy Table Structure create table table1 select * from table2 where 1>1;
Copy Table Content andStructure create table table1 select * from table2;
Copy Selected Field create table table1 as select id, name from table2 where 1>1;

Math Functions

Absolute value: abs() select abs(-2) value from dual; 2
Ceiling: ceil() select ceil(-2.001) value from dual; -2
Florr: floor() select floor(-2.001) value from dual; -3
Trunc: trunc() select trunc(-2.001) value from dual; -2
Round-off: round() select round(1.234564,4) value from dual; 1.2346
N-th Power: power(m,n) select power(4,2) value from dual; 16
Square Root: SQRT() select sqrt(16) value from dual; 4
Random Number: dbms_random(minvalue,maxvalue) select dbms_random.value() from dual;
select dbms_random.value(2,4) value from dual;
Sign: Sign() select sign(-3) value from dual; -1
Greatest Value: greatest(value) select greatest(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; 9
LeastValue: least(value) select least(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; -1
Deal with NULL select nvl(null,10) value from dual; 10


Selectfrom top n rows.(Oracle Don’t Support Selecttop) select * from student where rownum <3;
Select from table but top n rows. select * from(select rownum rn ,id,name from student) where rn>2;
select * from (select rownum rn, student.* from student) where rn >3;
Select from a region select * from (select rownum rn, student.* from student) where rn >3 and rn<6;
Sort and select from top. select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRUVER d order bydrivernumber)t )p where p.rn<10;
Sort and select fromregion. select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn<9 and p.rn>6;
Sort and select from region,another way. select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t where rownum<9 )p where p.rn>6;

Paging Query (10 terms a page)

Without sorting

low efficiency select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d )p where p.rn<=20 and p.rn>=10;
select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d )p where p.rn between 10 and 20;
high efficiency select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d where rownum<=20 )p where p.rn>=10;

With Sorting

Sort and query a region select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn<=20 and p.rn>=10;
(low efficiency) select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn between 10 and 20;
Sort and query a region(high efficiency) select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t where rownum<=20 )p where p.rn>=10;
  ## String Manipulation
Substring(start from 1) substr('abcdefg',1,5) Abcde
Search substring instr('abcdefg','bc') TRUE
Append strings 'Hello'||'World' HelloWorld
Deletewhitespace trim(' Wish ') Wish
Deletewhitespace before the string rtrim('Wish ') Wish
Deletewhitespace after the string ltrim(' Wish') wish
Delete prefix trim(leading 'w' from 'wish') ish
Delete trailing trim(trailing 'h' from 'wish') wis
Delete trim('w' from 'wish') ish
Ascii convert ascii('A') 65
ascii('a') 97
Character convert chr(65) A
chr(97) a
length length('abcdefg') 7
Capitalize lower('WISH') wish
upper('wish') WISH
initcap('wish') Wish
Replace replace('wish1','1','youhappy') wishyouhappy
Replace every character in string that appeared in from_str to appropriateone in to_str.
translate('wish1','1','y') wishy
translate('wish1','sh1','hy') wihy
Connect concat('11','22') 1122

Aggregate Function

Term number count (distinct|all)
Average avg (distinct|all)
MaximumValue max (distinct|all)
MinimumValue min (distinct|all)
Standard Deviation stddev(distinct|all)
Sum sum(distinct|all)
Median median(distinct|all)


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