Paper authors: Meriel von Stein, David Shriver, Sebastian Elbaum
Corresponding author: Meriel von Stein
This repo contains the tools, paper, and study data for "DeepManeuver: Adversarial Test Generation for Trajectory Manipulation of Autonomous Vehicles". DOI 10.1109/TSE.2023.3301443. An archived copy of this repo and the data for this paper can be found at Zenodo record 8284708 and Zenodo record 8284640, respectively.
We argue that for adversarial testing perturbations to be effective on autonomous vehicles, they must account for the subtle interplay between the DNN and vehicle states. Building on that insight, we develop DeepManeuver, an automated framework that interleaves adversarial test generation with vehicle trajectory physics simulation. Thus, as the vehicle moves along a trajectory, DeepManeuver enables the refinement of candidate perturbations to: (1) account for changes in the state of the vehicle that may affect how the perturbation is perceived by the system; (2) retain the effect of the perturbation on previous states so that the current state is still reachable and past trajectory is preserved; and (3) result in multi-target maneuvers that require fulfillment of vehicle state sequences (e.g. reaching locations in a road to navigate a tight turn).
Example trajectory of DeepManeuver versus state-of-the-art techniques
Example output billboards by resolution
3x3 resolution | 5x5 resolution | 20x20 resolution |
![]() |
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Repository structure:
├───data # paper study data
├───docs # documentation and figures
│ └───figures
├───paper # paper and appendix
├───study # scripts to reproduce paper study results
├───models # steering DNNs
├───perturbation_generator # DeepManeuver and DeepBillboard
└───simulation # run DeepManeuver in simulation
├───dataset-collection # scripts to collect data for model training
├───posefiles # environment configuration files
├───results # perturbation run results and metadata
└───system-tests # test simulation setup
Directions to download the data from the paper can be found in the data
Scripts to recreate the tables and figures can be found in the analysis
DeepManeuver relies on Python 3.8, BeamNGpy, and the BeamNG driving simulator.
Download Python 3.8 here. Download CUDA Toolkit 11.6 here
Activate a virtual environment and install the dependencies for this project by running or running the following
python3.8 -m venv .venv-dm
. .venv-dm/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install requirements.txt
Install torch with cuda enabled here. Backup options if the linked instructions do not work:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --pre --extra-index-url # nightly build
Request a research license from BeamNG here and install BeamNG.research.v1.7.0.1. They're based in Germany so there is a time difference. You can also email [email protected].
You may need to install Visual Studio 2015, 2019 and 2019 redistributable to run on Windows 10. See Matplotlib issue #18292.
python <path-to-external-dependencies> <road-id>
The <path-to-external-dependencies>
parameter points to the parent directory that contains your BeamNG installation and DeepManeuver repo.
The <road-id>
value is either 7983
or 7982
depending on your BeamNG installation.
The software contained in this repository is covered under the included LICENSE file. The paper included in this repository is not covered by this license and is instead covered by the IEEE Copyright. The paper is included under the terms of the IEEE copyright to be included on the author's personal servers.