🔭 I’m currently working on Asgardeo and WSO2 Identity Server
🌱 I’m currently learning Go, Ballerina and NextJS
⚡ Fun fact The shortest recorded song is "You Suffer" by the British grindcore band Napalm Death. It lasts just 1.316 seconds.
🔭 I’m currently working on Asgardeo and WSO2 Identity Server
🌱 I’m currently learning Go, Ballerina and NextJS
⚡ Fun fact The shortest recorded song is "You Suffer" by the British grindcore band Napalm Death. It lasts just 1.316 seconds.
Forked from ballerina-platform/ballerina-distribution
Forked from ballerina-platform/ballerina-custom-jre
Generates platform-specific custom Java runtime images to be bundled with Ballerina platform distributions, which contains only the required modules for Ballerina runtime.
Forked from ballerina-platform/ballerina-dev-website
Dev version of the ballerina.io website
Forked from ballerina-platform/ballerina-update-tool
Ballerina Update Tool implementation to manage Ballerina versions
CredentialLog is a Merkle tree based log utilized to store signature credentials of applications/artifacts and verify said applications/artefacts signed by any tool. This application hopes to resol…
A Signature tool to sign and verify files and update Credential Log. This project aims to demonstrate the concept of Signature tools integrating with Credential Log.