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NemosMiner multi algo profit switching NVIDIA/AMD/CPU miner


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Note: NemoMiner is no longer maintained. Please check out UG-Miner instead.

NemosMiner monitors mining pools in real-time in order to find the most profitable algorithm

Updated 2023/09/05

Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Nemo, MrPlus & UselessGuru

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.

Updated/Maintained by Nemo/Minerx117 & UselessGuru

with a lot of help from MrPlusGH & grantemsley. Without them NemosMiner would not be possible.

NemosMiner code is partly based on

Note: NemosMiner Version 4.x is NOT backwards compatible with the 3.x code base. It is highly recommended to install this version to a new directory.

Some configuration options have changed. See 'Changed Config Items.txt' for more information. NemosMiner will automatically convert an existing configuration file.

Main features:

  • Web & legacy GUI
  • Easy configuration
  • Auto benchmark each algorithm to get optimal speeds
  • Fully automated
  • Auto downloads miner binaries
  • Auto updates
  • Monitoring
  • Earnings graph
  • Low developer fee (can be set to 0)
  • Calculate power cost (optional software installation required)

Easy configuration, easy start:

  Run NemosMiner.bat
  1. Edit configuration (http://localhost:3999/configedit.html)
  2. Set your Wallet address(es) and Username(s)
  3. Select your pool(s)
  4. Save configuration
  5. Start mining

  Note: 2. you only need to change the username if you are using MiningDutch, MiningPoolhub or ProHashing

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Algorithm selection / removal

  +[algorithm] to enable algorithm
  -[algorithm] to disable algorithm

  If '+' is used, then only the explicitly enabled algorithms are used
  If '-' is used, then all algorithms except the disabled ones are used

  Do not combine + and - for the same algorithm

  Algorithm list = '-x16r'
  Will mine anything but x16r

  Algorithm list = '-x16r,-bcd'
  Will mine anything but x16r and bcd

  Algorithm list = +x16r
  Will mine only x16r

  Algorithm list = '+x16r,+bcd'
  Will mine only x16r and BCD

  Algorithm list blank
  Will mine anything

Currency selection / removal

  +[currency] to enable currency
  -[currency] to disable currency

  If '+' is used, then only the explicitly enabled currencies are used
  If '-' is used, then all currencies except the disabled ones are used

  Do not combine + and - for the same currency

  Currency list = '-EVR'
  Will mine anything but EVR

  Currency list = '-EVR,-KIIRO'
  Will mine anything but EVR and KIIRO

  Currency list = '+EVR'
  Will mine only EVR

  Currency list = '+EVR,+KIIRO'
  Will mine only EVR and KIIRO

  Currency list blank
  Will mine anything

Pools Variants

  *24hr  - uses last 24hour price data in pool API to calculate profit (no estimates or advanced calculations)

  *Plus - uses advanced calculations to reduce uneeded switching

  normal - uses current price data in pool API to calculate profit (no estimates or advanced calculations)

Developer/Contributors Donation: The list and wallets is stored in [NemosMiner Directory]\Data\DonationData.json

  Donation Fee = 0.9%
  There is 13 minute per day default donation (0.9%),
  which can be increased or decreased in the configuration editor.
  Please help support the great team behind NemosMiner by leaving mining donations turned on.
  We want to stay completely transparent on the way fees are managed in the product.
  Donation cycle occurs once in 24hrs (or once until midnight if NemosMiner has been running less than 24hrs).
  Donation start time is randomized each time.
  It will then mine for one randomly chosen developer / contributor for the configured duration.

  Example for default parameters (13 minutes):
  - NemosMiner was started at 10:00h
  - First donation cycle starts somewhen between 10:01h and 23:47h and will then donate for 13 minutes, then mine for you again until the next donation run.
  - After 00:00h the donation start time is randomized again. 
  - When donation start time is reached it will then donate for 13 minutes, then mine for you again until the next donation run.
  All donation time and addresses are recorded in the logs files.

NemosMiner Monitoring Server:

  Keep tabs on all your mining rigs from one place
  You can now optionally monitor all your workers remotely, both in the GUI and via
  Monitoring setup instructions

Web & Legacy GUI

  NemosMiner relies on config files. No need to edit bat files. Simply run NemosMiner.bat
  Set the config in the Web GUI (http://localhost:3999/configedit.html), apply & start mining
  Version 3.9.9.x (Beta) and later has a Web GUI making it easy to configure and run.

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Pause mining

  Ability to pause miners while keeping other jobs running (pause button)
  This will stop mining activity
  Brains will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume
  BalancesTracker will still run in the background to keep the pool balances up to date


  Ability to run a batch prior switching to a specific miner and/or algorithm.
  The prerun scripts can be used to set per miner/algorithm OC via nvidiaInspector or OverdriveNTool.
  Before starting a miner executable NemosMiner is trying to launch one of the following 3 prerun scripts (in this order):
  1. <MinerName>_<Algorithm>.bat
     Simply create a file named <MinerName>_<AlgorithmName>.bat in prerun folder, e.g. 'Bminer-v16.4.11-1xRadeonRX5808GB-Handshake-10.bat' or 'CcminerMTP-v1.3.2-1xGTX10606GB_MTP.bat'
  2. <Algorithm>.bat
     Simply create a file named <AlgorithmName>.bat in prerun folder, e.g. 'Ethash.bat'
  3. default.bat
     If neither of the two above exist, NemosMiner will try to launch 'prerun\default.bat'
  Use overclock with caution

Per pool config (Advanced, see 'Data\PoolsConfig-Template.json')

  **This is for advanced users. Do not use if you do not know what you are doing.**

  The file 'Config\PoolsConfig.json' contains configuration details for the pools.
  A separate section can be added for each pool base name. If a pool is listed in this file,
  the specific settings will be taken into account. If not, the built in default values will be used.
  See 'Data\PoolData.json' for the basic structure of the file 'Config\PoolsConfig.json'

  You can set specific options per pool. For example, you can mine NiceHash on the internal wallet and other pools on a valid wallet. See 'PoolsConfig-Template.json' for some pool specific configuration options.

  Available options:
     - Wallets[Currency] = Your wallet address for [Currency]; some pools, e.g. Hiveon require wallets in each supported currency
     - UserName = your MPH or ProHashing user name
     - WorkerName = your worker name
     - PricePenaltyFactor = See explanation below
     - Algorithm = List of included or excluded algorithms per pool
     - PayoutThreshold[Currency] = pool will allow payout if this amount is reached

     - Edit 'Config\PoolsConfig.json'
     - Add an entry for the pool you want to customize
        - The name must be the pool base name (omit *24hrs or *Plus), e.g ZergPool (even if you have configured ZergPoolPlus in the pool list)
        - (**careful with json formating ;)**

  Note that the GUI only updates default values (valid for ALL pools unless there is pool specific configuration setting defined in 'Config\PoolConfig.json'). Any other changes need to be done manually.


  When using advanced per pool configuration, it is possible to add an earnings adjustment factor for a specific pool. This simply adds a multiplicator on estimations presented by the pool.

  Example scenario:
     - You feel like a pool is exaggerating its estimations by 10% - Set EarningsAdjustmentFactor to 0.9

Pool Variants

Poolnames ending in *24hr

  Use calculations based on 24hr prices to get a more stable estimate.
  NOT sensible to spikes.
  They show less switching than following current or plus price estimate.
  lower profitability in exchange for less switching.

Poolnames ending in *Plus

  Use calculations based on 24hr actual and current estimate prices to get a more realistic estimate.
  Include some trust index based on past 1hr current estimate variation from 24hr.
  AND are NOT sensible to spikes.
  They show less switching than following current estimate and more switching than following the 24hr actual.
  Better profitability.

Balances Tracking

  Displays available balances and an estimation of when the pool payment threshold will be reached.
  Supported pools:
     - HashCryptos
     - Hiveon (*)
     - MiningDutch
     - MiningPoolHub
     - NiceHash (internal & external wallet)
     - ProHashing
     - ZergPool
     - Zpool
  (*) Pool does not support auto-exchange to other currencies.

  If mining more than one pool, NemosMiner shows stats for all supported pools.
  Press key 'b' in the console window to show/hide earnings.

Support for running multiple instances (not recommended)

  More than one instance of NemosMiner can run on the same rig
  Each instance must be placed in its own directory
  Miner has to be started prior the launch of the next instance
  Do not use the same miner devices in more than one instance as this will give invalid hash rate
  & power usage readings causing incorrect best miner selection.

Miner Switching Log

  Simple miner switching log as csv (\SwitchingLog.csv file found in Logs folder).
  You can easily track switching rate.

Console Display Options

  Use -UIStyle light or -UIStyle full in config.json
     Full = Usual display (Default)
     Light = Show only current mining info
  UIStyle automatically switches to full during benchmarking.
  Press key 's' in the console window to switch UIStyle.

In session console the following hot keys are supported

  a: Toggle Accuracy column visibility
  b: Toggle Listing Pool Balances
  c: Toggle Power Cost column visibility
  e: Toggle Earnings column visibility
  f: Toggle Pool fees column visibility
  i: Toggle Earning Bias column visibility
  m: Toggle Miner Fees column visibility
  n: Toggle CoinName column visibility
  p: Toggle Pool column visibility
  r: Toggle Profit Bias column visibility
  s: Toggle UI Style [full or light]
  t: Toggle Profit column visibility
  u: Toggle User column visibility
  v: Toggle Listing all available miners
  w: Toggle Power usage column visibility
  y: Toggle Currency column visibility


PowerShell Version 7.x is required:

Download Installer for version 7.3.8

Some miners may need 'Visual C+ RunTimes download/extract, run install_all.bat file

Visual C+ RunTimes

Virtual memory settings

When running multiple cards its recommended to increase Virtual Memory. 64GB is optimal.

Recommended/optimal Windows Nvidia driver

Windows Nvidia driver 537.42 If you use older drivers some miners will not be available.

Recommended/optimal Windows AMD driver

Windows 10/11 AMD GPU Driver 7/25/2023

NemosMiner is currently tested on the following Rigs:

  windows10-1xRTX-2080/RYZEN-3900x (Test PC) 

  windows10-8xAMD-6700XT/Octominer (test Rig 1)
  windows10-6xRTX-3070/RYZEN-3950x (test Rig 2)
  windows10-2xRX-6700XT/4xRX-6600XT/RYZEN-3950x (test Rig 3)
  windows11-1xGTX1030-2GB/1xGTX-1060Super/1xGTX750Ti-2GB/1xRX580-8GB/RX5700/Inteli5-8600K (test Rig 4)
  windows10-7xAMD-6600XT/RYZEN-3900x (test Rig 5)
  (users have reported up to 12cards are working, I have not tested myself)
  Some miners do not support more than 9 cards

  CPU miners are tested with AMD Ryzen 3900x & Inteli5-8600K CPUs

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.

Happy Mining