Mehreen's Low Recoil Pion Inclusive Analysis (updated MAT framework)
Analysis Code is mainly in LowRecoilPions directory. twoDEventLoop.cpp is the one mainly used to output for event level histos and studiesEventLoop.cpp is for michel level.
For MATMINERVA: follow directions in
#If you're on a MINERvA GPVM hosted by Fermilab, you need to set up newer versions of ROOT and CMake first
source /cvmfs/
setup root v6_10_04d -q e14:prof
setup cmake v3_7_1
kinit #Fermilab Kerberos ticket for getting flux and reweight files
unset SSH_ASKPASS # this will stop it putting up an xwindow to ask for your token for https git access.
#Have you set up a github personal access token yet? If you don't know what I'm talking about:
#First, follow these instructions:
#When you get to setting permissions, tick only the "repo" box.
#Next, write down the key it generated.
#Then, run this before proceeding: git config --global credential.helper store #Saves your access token as a plaintext file in your home directory
#Later, when you're asked for a username and a password, use your github username and your access key. This will save the access key forever.
git clone #Use a github personal access token for checkout
#git clone [email protected]:MinervaExpt/MAT-MINERvA.git #Use an ssh key instead of a github personal access token
mkdir -p opt/build && cd opt/build
cmake ../../MAT-MINERvA/bootstrap -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make install #-j 4
You will need to also re-build the LowRecoilPions area as well as GENIEXSecExtract using same method.
For GENIEXSecExtract:
In your working area opt directory:
- Make a build dir in optdir for this package
mkdir buildGENIEXSecExtract
- Enter build dir
cd buildGENIEXSecExtract
- Run cmake
cmake ../../GENIEXSecExtract -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Install the build
make install
This builds the GENIE extraction package to be used by your analysis.
For LowRecoilPions:
In your working area opt directory:
- Make a build dir in optdir for this package
mkdir buildLowRecoilPions
- Enter build dir
cd buildLowRecoilPions
- Run cmake
cmake ../../LowRecoilPions -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Install the build
make install
This will create setup files for your different tools/packages in the opt/bin