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xPaw committed Feb 1, 2016
1 parent c1414b8 commit 130bdf7
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Showing 4 changed files with 664 additions and 0 deletions.
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions assets/mcstatus.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
( function( win )
var currentVersion = 10,

$ = win.jQuery,

secondsToUpdate = 0,

notifStorage = 'mcstatus_notif_disabled',
notifDisable = 'Disable notifications',

storage = win.localStorage,
notifications = win.Notification,

announcementElement = $( '#announcement' ),
secondsElement = $( '#time-to-update' ),
lastUpdateElement = $( '#last-update' ),
notifElement = $( '.notifications' ),

prevCheckDown = false,
loadState = 0,

statusElements =
login : $( '#login' ),
website: $( '#website' ),
session: $( '#session' ),
skins : $( '#skins' ),
realms : $( '#realms' )

tick = function( )
if( secondsToUpdate <= 0 )
secondsToUpdate = 31;

$.ajax( {
url: 'status.json',
dataType: 'json',
error: handleError,
success: updateStatus
} );
secondsToUpdate -= 1;

secondsElement.text( secondsToUpdate < 10 ? '0' + secondsToUpdate : secondsToUpdate );

setTimeout( tick, 1000 );

handleError = function( )
if( !loadState )
announcementElement.html( 'Failed to get current status, please try again later.' ).show( );

$.each( statusElements, function( name, element )
element.find( '.status' ).text( 'Failed' );
} );

tick( );

updateStatus = function( json )
var element, downNow = false;

$.each(, function( service, status )
element = statusElements[ service ];

if( element )
if( !element.hasClass( status.status ) )
element.removeClass( 'problem down up' ).addClass( status.status );

element.find( '.status' ).text( status.title );
element = element.find( '.uptime' ).text( status.downtime ? 'Down for ' + status.downtime + 'm' : '\xa0' );

if( status.status === 'down' )
downNow = true;
} );

lastUpdateElement.text( json.last_updated );

if( json.v && json.v !== currentVersion )
element = '<span class="light-blue">Warning!</span> Refresh this page to receive latest version.';

json.psa = json.psa ? element + '<hr class="dotted">' + json.psa : element;

if( json.psa )
announcementElement.html( json.psa ).show( );
else if( ':visible' ) )
announcementElement.hide( );

tick( );

if( downNow )
prevCheckDown = true;
else if( prevCheckDown )
prevCheckDown = false;

showNotification( );

loadState = 1;

clickNotification = function( )
if( !canDisplayNotification( ) )
if( getNotificationStatus( ) === 'denied' )
alert( 'You must allow notifications in your browser\'s settings' );
notifications.requestPermission( function( permission )
// Chrome bugfix
if( !( 'permission' in notifications ) )
notifications.permission = permission;

if( permission === 'granted' )
notifElement.addClass( 'enabled' ).find( 'a' ).text( notifDisable );

storageRemove( );
} );

return false;

if( notifElement.hasClass( 'enabled' ) )
$( this ).text( 'Enable notifications' );

storageSet( );
$( this ).text( notifDisable );

storageRemove( );

notifElement.toggleClass( 'enabled' );

return false;

showNotification = function( )
if( !notifications || !canDisplayNotification( ) || storageGet( ) )

var notification = new notifications( 'Minecraft Back Online',
'body': 'You can try playing now!',
'icon': $( 'link[rel="image_src"]' ).attr( 'href' )
} );

notification.onshow = function( )
var timer = win.setTimeout( function( )
notification.close( );
}, 5000 );

notification.onclose = function( )
clearTimeout( timer );

getNotificationStatus = function( )
if( 'permission' in notifications )
return notifications.permission;
else if( 'webkitNotifications' in win )
return [ 'granted', 'default', 'denied' ][ webkitNotifications.checkPermission( ) ];

canDisplayNotification = function( )
return getNotificationStatus( ) === 'granted';

storageGet = function( )
return storage && storage.getItem( notifStorage ) === 'true';

storageSet = function( )
return storage && storage.setItem( notifStorage, 'true' );

storageRemove = function( )
return storage && storage.removeItem( notifStorage );

// Start the app
tick( );

// Set correct text in notifications element
if( !storage || !notifications )
notifElement.text( 'Your browser doesn\'t support notifications' );
var link = notifElement.find( 'a' );

link.on( 'click', clickNotification );

if( canDisplayNotification( ) && !storageGet( ) )
notifElement.addClass( 'enabled' );

link.text( notifDisable );

// Remove utm_ params
if( win.history && win.history.replaceState && /utm_/ ) )
win._gaq.push( function( ) {
win.history.replaceState( {}, "", win.location.pathname );
} );

// Delete noscript element, workaround IE bug
$( 'noscript' ).remove( );
}( window ) );

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