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《閩英大辭典》數位化工程 ADFD Digitalization

⚠ 項目目前狀態: 準備重新 OCR。 由於初次識別的準確率較低,我們計劃再進行一次 OCR,以減輕人工勞動。 我們歡迎瞭解相關技術的人士的幫忙。 (見這個Issue) 與此同時,志願者可以繼續在 貢獻。 新的 OCR 會被用在暫未錄入的條目上。

⚠ Current Status of the Project: Planning on reapplying OCR Due to the low accuracy obtained during our first OCR attempt, we are planning on a second attempt, to reduce the burden on manual input. Help is welcomed. (See this issue) In the meantime, volunteers may continue to contribue at The 2nd round of OCR will only be applied to items not yet recognised by volunteers.

Alphabetic Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect, Third Edition, 1929 是一本由傳教士編寫的閩東語福州話的辭典。


  • 辭典 App
  • 福州話輸入法詞表
  • 對閩東語的讀音和詞彙進行數據挖掘

更多信息詳見閩東語實驗室網站上的項目介紹。 For more information, please refer to the project page on MindongLab's Website.

  • ztl8702/adfd: 數據、原始圖片。關於非代碼方面的討論應在這裏進行。
  • ztl8702/CrowdSource: 衆包平臺程序代碼。


All data created in this digitalisation project will be made available in Public Domain wherever possible.

More details to come.