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Instructions to run the BS ReReco using updated alignment and upload to DB

francescobrivio edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 26 revisions
  1. Refit the BS using the new conditions
  • Get the latest release and the package producing the Beamspot

    cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z
    cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
    git cms-addpkg RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer
    scram b -j 8
    cd RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/test
  • Modify the cfg file

    • use the correct GT
    • Pay special attention to the tracks and vertices collection you want to use.
      • Tracks and Vertices can be refitted only using RECO, FEVT or ALCARECO datatiers
      • For the 2021-2022 data taking at 900 GeV track selection for ALCARECO was not re-optimized leading to a low number of tracks (~300) and PVs (10-20) per LS after refit
      • Other datatiers, like AOD, can be used if no refit has to be performed
      • Track collection to be used are: ALCARECOTkAlMinBias (ALCARECO datatier) and generalTracks (RECO, FEVT, AOD)
      • PV collection to be used is always OfflinePrimaryVertices
      • Useful information from Marco on TrackRefitter: 1) ClusterPositionEstimation (CPE) is re-run for each cluster associated to the track 2) track status and covariance matrix are recomputed for each layer (this is where new alignments come into play)
  • Prepare the crab cfg file (example here) and submit

  1. Merge the LS results and create IoVs
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/python  
git clone [email protected]:MilanoBicocca-pix/BeamspotTools.git  
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src  
scram b -r -j8  
  • using BeamspotTools/test/ merge the LS results

    • remember to configure if using or not the slopes for IoV splitting (here)
    • in view of the sqlite file production, it's better to produce an output .txt file for each IoV
  • check the results against the Prompt Reco

    • run the BS fitter (w/o refitting) on the same dataset as before and prepare the .txt files by LS
    • use the script test/ to compare the results (input BS values to the script should be by LS)
  1. Produce the sqlite file containing all the payloads
  • once you have the BS per IoV, produce the sqlite file with the command
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/scripts/
  • the .db file will be created in the folder YOUR_OUTPUT_DIR/lastPayloads
  • you can check if its content is the right one by doing
sqlite3 FILENAME.db
select * from IOV;
* this will printout something like  
BeamSpotObjects_2015_LumiBased_v1_offline|1177856126222638|dbf0b086851e0f61627a2fd88626e5c55243df97|2016-06-28 10:33:37.145655
BeamSpotObjects_2015_LumiBased_v1_offline|1177856126222698|e1112ab4b2d069c1b501aa9680815867c8d11ccc|2016-06-28 10:33:45.993201
BeamSpotObjects_2015_LumiBased_v1_offline|1177856126222758|d757f147cf5d2b9cadb09fca0bca414b296154b9|2016-06-28 10:33:53.612859
BeamSpotObjects_2015_LumiBased_v1_offline|1177856126222818|cae819ef14952361f926b89e14c5556dd600d7ab|2016-06-28 10:34:00.845266
BeamSpotObjects_2015_LumiBased_v1_offline|1177856126222878|58f8facd618b7a7c528db5a12ff0ddd071c6ea25|2016-06-28 10:34:08.343873
* to convert to a readable run/lumi range, in python you can do 
>>> def unpackLumiId(since):
      kLowMask = 0XFFFFFFFF
      run  = since >> 32
      lumi = since & kLowMask
      return run, lumi

>>> unpackLumiId(1177856126222878)
(274241, 542)
  1. Check the content of the sqlite file
  • to be plotted against what is produced from the .txt files
    • to obtain the BS values from a .db file, use the CMSSW package CondTools/BeamSpot
    • in the test folder, modify to read your .db file (important info)
    • go back to RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer and use the script BeamspotTools/test/ to plot the results [for now it is in the tools2CompareDB branch]
  1. Upload the sqlite file to the database
  • usually it's better to interact with AlCA people before uploading the new .dbs
  • .db files should be appended to previously created tags (ask AlCa for the Tag name), and must be uploaded following the chronological order
  • to upload the file you've created, just follow the instructions on this twiki or just do FILENAME.db

and follow the procedure * it's probably better to avoid '@' in the .db filename

  1. Update the twiki:
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