A backend that sends emails in case ping is not received within the specified time
Frequency is refered to as a delay in seconds between processing loops.
'server_root':(str) Deprecated. Gets overwritten during initialization 'https://example.net' a prefix string
to insert into logs link in the alert emails;
'base_frequency': (scalar>=0) a delay between the steps of a ping absence listener;
'email_processing_frequency': (scalar>=0) a delay before the next processing of the emails queue;
'recipient': (str or list(str)) representing the recipient email or list of emails;
'users': a dict of pairs (username:(unique str),user config described below)
'monitor': (bool) if false never sends emails;
'max_sleep': (scalar>=0) max delay between pings in seconds;
'device_email': (str or list(str)) Optional. Represents a device-specific email or list of emails.
Defaults to the 'recipient' field of a server config;
'email_frequency': (scalar>=0) min delay between subsequent emails for a particular user;
'refresh_on_ping_restored' : (bool-like) Optional defaults to True. A ping made after the last email
sent refreshes the email_frequency counter
- TESTING_PASSWORD - (str) secures testing mode accessible via /. Its absence
raises an exception only if an attempt to access the testing interface is made
but is likely to crash the application. - SMTP_SERVER - (str) Optional. Defaults to "smtp.gmail.com"
- SMTP_PORT - (int) Optional. Defaults to 465
- SMTP_LOGIN - (str) an email/login of the application
- SMTP_PASSWORD - (str) a password to access SMTP API.
The email sending is performed via SMTP SSL.
A ping should be made at /ping via GET request
- username - unique username on behalf of whom a ping is made.
(str) datetime formated as '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'.
For more info about the notation see https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html?highlight=strf#strftime-strptime-behavior
A ping should be made at /logs via GET request
- username - unique username on behalf of whom a ping is made.
- year \
- month - double digit format
- day /
A list of strings of format '%H:%M:%S', where each entry is the
time of a ping for a particular user on the specified date.