This is a simple Python script that queries the region of a given latitude and longitude.
- Docker
- Docker-compose
Very simple.
Just run the script with the following command to initialize the environment:
# git clone
$ bash
The script will do the following:
- Build the docker image from
directory.- The docker image is based on
. - During the build, the script will install the required Python packages.
- The docker image is based on
- Deploy the docker container and the MongoDB container.
- Initialize DB
- Download the polygon data via
tool. - Extract the polygon data from the downloaded file and save them as json files.
- Read the extracted polygon data from json file and insert them into the MongoDB.
- Download the polygon data via
Then you can use the following command to enter the container:
# enter the container
$ bash
# [command line]
$ python --lat 23.1667 --lon 113.2333
ID: 440111, Name: 广东省广州市白云区
# [interactive mode]
$ python -i
Please input the latitude of the location: 23.1667
Please input the longitude of the location: 113.2333
ID: 440111, Name: 广东省广州市白云区
Continue? (Y/n):
# [from file]
$ python -f test_data/input.txt -o test_data/output.csv
# exit the container
$ exit
The query result is based on the WGS-84 coordinate system. If you want to query the region of a given latitude and longitude in GCJ-02 coordinate system, you can add the --coords gcj02
# [command line]
$ python --lat 23.1667 --lon 113.2333 --coords gcj02
# [interactive mode]
$ python -i --coords gcj02
# [from file]
$ python -f test_data/input.txt -o test_data/output.csv --coords gcj02
If you want to update the polygon data by yourself, you can refer to
to get detailed information.
The above link only provides the polygon data of China.
I will offer the support for the polygon data of other countries in the future.
If you want to clean the environment, you can use the following command:
# clean the environment
$ bash
The script will do the following:
- Stop and remove the docker container.
- Remove the docker image.
- If needed, remove untagged images.