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Microkubes Java Library

Tools for Microkubes in Java.


The library can be installed from Maven central:




compile group: 'com.microkubes', name: 'tools', version: '0.1.0.RELEASE'

Use the latest version from Github

To use the latest version, first clone this repository locally:

git clone

Make sure you have Gradle installed, then:

cd microkubes-java
./gradlew build -x sign -x uploadArchives

Then install the latest version to your local Maven repository:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Service API Gateway Integration

The library provides an API for connecting and aut-registering with Kong API Gateway (default for Microkubes).

When using it with Spring, you can import the provided configuration class that will enable the aut-register process based on configuration properties:

public class Application {

    public static void main(String [] args){, args);

and the config properties should look like this:

com.microkubes.gateway.gateway-url = http://kong:8001 = todo = todo.service.consul
com.microkubes.service.port = 8080
com.microkubes.service.paths = /todo

Configuration options:

  • com.microkubes.gateway.adapter the version of adapter used for API Gateway. Currently supported: kong-v0, kong-v2. Default: [kong-v0]
  • com.microkubes.gateway.gateway-url the URL of the admin port of Kong in the platform deployment. Usually set to http://kong:8001. Note that this property triggers the auto-configuration process and must be present for the service to auto-register on the platform.
  • - the name of the service
  • - the virtual host (domain name) of the service as it will be on the platform itself. This is the internal domain of the service as visible to the Consul DNS.
  • com.microkubes.service.port - the port on which the service listens to.
  • com.microkubes.service.paths - routing paths (separated by comma) for the incoming requests to be proxied to this microservice.

Additional service configuration options:

  • com.microkubes.service.preserve-host - Whether to pass the Host header to the upstream API service. Default false.
  • com.microkubes.service.retries - The number of retries to execute upon failure to proxy. Default 5.
  • com.microkubes.service.strip-uri - When matching an API via one of the uris prefixes, strip that matching prefix from the upstream URI to be requested. Default true.
  • com.microkubes.service.upstream-connect-timeout - The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection between the API Gateway and the service. Default 60000.
  • com.microkubes.service.upstream-read-timeout - he timeout in milliseconds between two successive read operations for transmitting a request to your the service. Default 60000.
  • com.microkubes.service.upstream-send-timeout - The timeout in milliseconds between two successive write operations for transmitting a request to the service. Default 60000.
  • com.microkubes.service.https-only - To be enabled if you wish to only serve your API through HTTPS, on the appropriate port (8443 by default). Default false.
  • com.microkubes.service.http-if-terminated - Tell the API Gateway to consider the X-Forwarded-Proto header when enforcing HTTPS only traffic. Default false.

Adding plugins to the service definition

If you wan to enable specific plugins (currently supported for Kong API Gateway), you can do so by adding the specific properties in the configuration file, or via ENV variables.

Plugins configuration is loaded from the properties basd on a property name prefix. The general pattern is:


or as an ENV variable:



  • plugin_name is the name of the plugin to be enabled, for example: cors.
  • plugin_prop are the specific propeties for the plugin. Usually something like: config.max_age, config.headers etc.

Here is an example of configuring the cors plugin in a .properties file:


This would enable and configure the cors plugin.

The same configuration can be done via environment variables:


Security Integration

The library offers seamless integration with Microkubes security with Spring Security and SpringBoot enabled microservices.

JWT and OAuth2

To enable JWT and ResourceServer you can use the @EnableSecurity annotation on the SpringBoot application (configuration) class:

public class Application {

    public static void main(String [] args){, args);

You need to set up some configuration properties as well. In

# enable JWT/OAuth2 on the REST API

# Set the path to the private key (must be PEM encoded PKCS8 private key).

# Set the path to the public key (X.509 encoded file).

Note that this property actually triggers the setup and integration with Microkubes security.

Don't forget to add @EnableResourceServer or @EnableOauth2Sso to setup the security chain.