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A package that support multiple backends( MongoDB, DynamoDB )

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A package that supports multiple backends( MongoDB, DynamoDB )

Use in Goa

In the main.go:

Define the supported backends:

  backendManager := backends.NewBackendSupport(map[string]*config.DBInfo{
    "mongodb":  &dbConf.DBInfo,
    "dynamodb": &dbConf.DBInfo,

Get the desire backend(mongoDB or dynamoDB):

  backend, err := backendManager.GetBackend(dbConf.DBName)
  if err != nil {
    service.LogError("Failed to configure backend. ", err)

Define the repositories(collections/tables):

  userRepo, err := backend.DefineRepository("users", backends.RepositoryDefinitionMap{
    "name":          "users",
    "indexes":       []string{"email"},
    "hashKey":       "email",
    "readCapacity":  int64(5),
    "writeCapacity": int64(5),
    "GSI": map[string]interface{}{
      "email": map[string]interface{}{
        "readCapacity":  1,
        "writeCapacity": 1,
  if err != nil {
    service.LogError("Failed to get users repo.", err)

  tokenRepo, err := backend.DefineRepository("tokens", backends.RepositoryDefinitionMap{
    "name":          "tokens",
    "indexes":       []string{"token"},
    "hashKey":       "token",
    "readCapacity":  int64(5),
    "writeCapacity": int64(5),
    "GSI": map[string]interface{}{
      "token": map[string]interface{}{
        "readCapacity":  1,
        "writeCapacity": 1,
    "enableTtl": true,
    "ttlAttribute":  "created_at",
    "ttl":       86400,
  if err != nil {
    service.LogError("Failed to get tokens repo.", err)
  • name - is the name of the collection/table
  • indexes - are the mongoDB indexs
  • hashKey - is the primary key (hash key) for dynamoDB table
  • rangeKey - is the sort key (range key) for dynamoDB table
  • readCapacity - is the read capacity of the table. 1 unit is eqaul to 4KB
  • writeCapacity - is the write capacity of the table. 1 unit is eqaul to 4KB
  • GSI - are the global secondary indexes for dynamoDB
  • enableTtl - set TTL
  • ttlAttribute - is the TTL attribute in the collection/table
  • ttl - is the TTL value in seconds

Then define the store and pass it to the controller:

  // outside the main.go
  // User wraps User's collections/tables. Implements backneds.Repository interface
  type User struct {
    Users  backends.Repository
    Tokens backends.Repository


  // in the main.go
  store := store.User{

  // Mount "user" controller
  c2 := NewUserController(service, store)
  app.MountUserController(service, c2)

Service configuration

The service loads the configuration from a JSON. Here's an example of a JSON configuration file for DB settings:

    "dbName": "dynamodb",
    "dbInfo": {
      "credentials": "/run/secrets/aws-credentials",
      "endpoint": "http://dynamo:8000",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
      "host": "mongo:27017",
      "database": "users",
      "user": "restapi",
      "pass": "restapi"

Configuration properties:

  • dbName - "dynamodb/mongodb" - is the name of the database( it can be mongodb/dynamodb ).
  • dbInfo - holds informations about each database.
  • credentials - "/run/secrets/aws-credentials" - is the full the to the AWS credentials file.
  • endpoint - "http://dynamo:8000" - is the dynamoDB endpoint. Format http://host:port
  • awsRegion - us-east-1 - is the AWS region.
  • host - mongo:27017 - mongoDB endpoint. Format host:port.
  • database - users - database name. Use only for mongoDB.
  • user - mongo database user
  • pass - mongo database password


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