The SAM9X7 Series microprocessors are high-performance and cost-optimized Arm926EJ-S CPU-based embedded microprocessors (MPU), running up to 800 MHz. The devices integrate powerful peripherals for connectivity and user interface applications, including MIPI DSI, LVDS, RGB and 2D graphics, MIPI-CSI-2, Gigabit Ethernet with TSN and CAN-FD. Advanced security functions are offered, such as tamper detection, secure boot, secure key storage, TRNG, PUF as well as high-performance crypto accelerators for AES and SHA. The SAM9X7 Series is supported by Microchip MPLAB®-X development tools, Harmony, Linux® distributions and the Ensemble Graphics Toolkit.
For more information about the SAM9X75 CPU, or the associated SIPs referenced above, please visit the respective product page on
- SoC
- SiP (1Gb and 2Gb)
- Documentation
- Find the other available collaterals on the Microchip SAM9X7 SoC pages
- Find the available collaterals (DS, Errata...) on the Microchip SAM9X7 SiP pages