as I could not properly integrate this in a separate component, the development has shifted as part of astro-big-doc repo
render remote markdown content using Astro components with the help of remark mdast
- live demo :
The file [...sid].astro
uses generated content from content-structure markdown parser.
import {getEntry} from 'content-structure'
import AstroMarkdown from '@/components/renderers/AstroMarkdown.astro'
const {uid} = Astro.params;
const entry = await getEntry({uid:uid})
<AstroMarkdown node={entry.tree} data={} />
- renders pure markdown using astro components
provided components templates
: add pan zoom functionheading
: adds hover and auto link anchor icontable
: add table stylecode
: code highlighting with VSCode style using shikiji
supported custom code blocks
: plantuml text to diagram library- using
to fetch image from a plantuml server
- using
: kroki text to diagram library- client mode, using post request without dependencies
: mermaid text to diagram library- local mode, using
which callsPuppeteer
as a dependency fails on e.g. Netlify - fallback on using mermaid through Kroki server
- local mode, using
.glb link to 3D Model vieweing with Mode Viewer
Cached diagrams rendering : all diagrams generations are cached on disk with a hash which prevents re fetching or rerunning the diagram generation. convenient for development and shift generation to become incremental on subsequent builds. Although the cache has no chance to fail by using the hash, old diagrams are not deleted though so cache has to be cleaned by the user.
- add support for D2 charts see also
- use data-tables in markdown and xlsx tables
- switching from diagram to code block should keep the top button at the same location and either shift what is down or keep the same vertical height between code and diagram to prevent any vertical shift.
- issue: Biggest company in mermaid diagram is truncated by Kroki renderer, does not happen with mermaid renderer
- Pure Markdown .md
Not MDX nor Markdoc : The rational to sticking to the Markdown standard is leveraging the existing content base and not push authors to rewrite content. Also, a split is intended between content creation and rendering, so MDX is not required as the authors are not expected to be developpers that bring custom components.
Both MDX and Markdoc come with deviations from the MD content parsing which break on content that is supported or tolerated by MD, which makes neither of MDX nor Markdoc a superset or alternative to Markdown.
- Enhance Markdown with Astro components
Such features already exist for react components (react-markdown) but not for the Astro components or at least not in combination with other required features (remote, remark AST,...).
- Remote markdown
Astro allow already a similar use case with MDX and also for local files, not for remote markdown. Although remote markdown is more relevant for SSR, even in SSG it offer more flexibility when fetching content from a CMS or using a flexible path in the file system.
- Remark AST
The remark AST is the safest way to parse Markdown which keeps closest compatibility with other ecosystem tools, this is a guarantee to enhance Markdown without deriving a new Markdown flavor.
- No custom components
Given the required purity of Markdown content, it is not intended to introduce custom components inside the .md files e.g. (# Heading with <MyComponent/>
). It is nevertheless possible to use custom components with existing AST types, e.g. replace images, tables, code,... this ensures content compatibility and prevents needs for new flavors.
- custom components through standard Markdown API
Some content generation providers e.g. Mermaid, Plantuml allow already custom images generation from content, the idea is to use code meta data to derive a custom handler for each content type. Given the naming flexibility of code meta data, this can allow endless components types variations using one single markdwon type 'code'. Same can be introduced for images with e.g. special meta data (extension, alt,...)
Heading : a heading is not just text but can recursively contain markdown elements
- first option is passing a recursively rendered content in a slot
- second option (opted for) is passing just a node and abstract all rendering logic in the component. This second otpion has the consequnce of the component being responsible to finalize all of the markdown to html rendering with the
Table : could have styed on the top renderer, taken down in a component to keep tyble related styling in a separate file
recursivity : think of falling back to the AstroMarkdown within components instead of
<Fragment set:html={toHtml(toHast(node))}></Fragment>
- known identifiers : a list of keywords and their corresponding URL
- e.g. some wikipedia entries
- identifier types : a list of keywords with a similar URL pattern
- e.g. corss pages slug referencing
- e.g. corss pages slug referencing
- generic identifiers : a regex resulting the a similar URL pattern
- e.g. protected pages slug referencing
- e.g. protected pages slug referencing
The Tags can have a cross referencing usage when used for items that have a deep path, and can result in a referenced-by section next to the object referenced.
Tags can be linkined within Paragraphs, tables and SVG images (optionally code)
- marked docs :
Markdown renderer :
transform and include custom components :
renderer : JSX runtime
components enhancement (Headings,...) : goes through litteral string replace ment with parameters then fed to ultrahtml
reasons for not using Astro remote :
- the JSX runtime renderer inherits deviations from the Markdown standard and can throw errors that would otherwise be supported or tolerated by Markdown
- Ultrahtml components enhancement not needed : given that Astro-Remark only intends to use standard remark AST types, all parsing is offloaded to the same parser which takes out the risk of deviation in content interpretation (e.g. some open issues related to space parsing,...).
mentioned just for reference not relevant as solution but similarities in e.g. the APIs are to be considered
- React markdown :