python library for url minification.
- URL Minifier
- QR Generator
- Bitly
- URL Minifier
Install microurl via pip
$ pip install microurl
Or, if you want the code that is currently on GitHub
git clone git://
cd microurl
python install
First, you'll want to head over to google or bily or supr and register an application!
After you register, grab your applications Consumer Key
and Consumer Secret
from the application details tab.
First, you'll want to import your desired minfier from microurl
from microurl import google_mini
Function definitions (i.e. google_mini()) can be found by reading over microurl/
minified = google_mini('validurl', 'Google_API_KEY')
its as simple as that.
qr_url = qrcode(url)
from microurl import bitlyauthentication
authentication = bitlyauthentication(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri)
open auth_url in your browser.After authorizing app, you will be redirected to redirect_url with code perameter.
access_token=authentication.get_accesstoken_from_code(code) # code that you get to redirect_url in the above step
access_token=authentication.get_accesstoken_from_username_pwd(bitlyusername or login email,password)
Function definitions (i.e. shorturl()) can be found by reading over microurl/
from microurl import bitlyapi
bitly=bitlyapi(access_token) # access_token is getting from previous steps
minified=bitly.shorturl(longurl,domain)['url'] # domain is optional here
To get detail information of bitlylink.
bitly.url_info(bitlylink,expand_user='True | False',hash='one or more bitly hashes') # expand_user,hash are optional here
To get the number of clicks on a single bitly link.
bitly.link_clicks(bitlylink, unit="day", units=10, timezone=-4, limit=20, unit_reference_ts="now")
# here except bitlylink all are optional
To get the number of shares on a single bitly link.
bitly.link_shares(bitlylink, unit="day", units=10, timezone=-4, limit=20, unit_reference_ts="now")
# here except bitlylink all are optional
To get loggedin user info
To get user link history in reverse chronological order.
bitly.user_linkhistory(bitlylink, limit=20, offset=1, created_after='1381000000', created_before='1381844314', expand_client_id=True, archived="both", private="both")
# here all fields are optional
microurl is useful, but ultimately only as useful as the people using it (say that ten times fast!). If you'd like to help, write example code, contribute patches, document things on the wiki, tweet about it. Your help is always appreciated!
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