A LaTeX template for writing MS thesis/report or PhD dissertation (for double-sided printing) in compliance with the guidelines from the Graduate School in Michigan Technological University.
First started in March 2007 when the author was typsetting PhD dissertation, this template has undergone many many revisions over the last several years. Attempts will be made to keep it updated as and when the time and resources permit.
This and other associated files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Using this template is not a substitute for learning LaTeX and/or understanding its how it works. Also, using this template does not necessarily guarantee that the Graduate School will approve the thesis/dissertation. The Graduate School reserves every right to request changes in the future that are not covered by this template yet.
Apart from modularizing the document preparation process, and producing title and signature pages, etc. in compliance with the Graduate School requirements, the template provides the following:
Ability to accommodate up to two advisors
Ability to accommodate up to four advisory committee members
Embdedded fonts - the PDF looks the same when printed as it looks when it’s viewed on computer
If using Linux/UNIX or Mac, the process of generating the PDF could be as simple as typing
Ability to make a timestamp-based snapshot of the entire folder via the command
make snapshot
Neither this template nor its author, however, will typeset your report, thesis or dissertation for you. You are responsible for it.
As complete an installation of LaTeX as possible.
This template in its entirety
Basic understanding of how LaTeX works
Rename (not just copy over)
by substitutingjohn
with your Michigan Tech ISO username, andDEGREE
with eitherMS
Open the renamed
Iff writing a MS thesis, then change
Comment the lines marked
% Optional
underFront Matter
section if there is a need -
Remove some or add more chapters under
section as needed -
Remove some or add more appendices under
section as needed
with relevant informationOne may use the relevant sample
as a starting point OR refer to the list of departments and programs -
with relevant information -
with relevant information -
Save all references in
with relevant information -
to something else to produce the required format for references -
with relevant information -
Place all figures in
folder -
iff there is a need, and iff there is an understanding of how the LaTeX class/style file works
Linux (or Mac) from a terminal using the command line, using Makefile
cd LaTeX_MSPhDTemplate
Linux (or Mac) from a terminal using the command line, without using Makefile
cd LaTeX_MSPhDTemplate
latex --shell-escape john_DEGREE
bibtex john_DEGREE
latex --shell-escape john_DEGREE
latex --shell-escape john_DEGREE
dvips -R0 -Ppdf -t letter -o john_DEGREE.ps john_DEGREE.dvi
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=100 john_DEGREE.ps john_DEGREE.pdf
Mac using TeXMaker
Navigate to TeXMaker » Preferences » Quick Build » Quick Build Command » User
and enter the following
"/usr/texbin/latex" -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
"/usr/texbin/bibtex" %.aux |
"/usr/texbin/latex" -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
"/usr/texbin/latex" -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
"/usr/texbin/dvips" -Ppdf -o %.ps %.dvi |
"/usr/local/bin/ps2pdf" -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=100 %.ps
Windows using TeXMaker
Navigate to TeXMaker » Options » Configure TeXMaker » Quick Build » Quick Build Command » User
(a recent and stable version of GhostScript, GhostPCL, GhostXPS and MuPDF can be downloaded from http://ghostscript.com/; check the path to gswin32c.exe
; thanks to Henriette Groenvik for bringing a typographical error to author's attention) and enter the following
latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
bibtex % |
latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
dvips -Ppdf -o %.ps %.dvi |
"C:/Program Files (x86)/gs/gs9.00/bin/gswin32c.exe" -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r600 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4
-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -sOutputFile="%.pdf" "%.ps"
The template provides the following 140 named colors (given with their hexadecimal notation; color scheme adopted from http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colorvalues.asp). Example usage:
\textcolor{Color}{colored text}
Hex code | Color | Hex code | Color |
#000000 | Black | #BA55D3 | MediumOrchid |
#000080 | Navy | #BC8F8F | RosyBrown |
#00008B | DarkBlue | #BDB76B | DarkKhaki |
#0000CD | MediumBlue | #C0C0C0 | Silver |
#0000FF | Blue | #C71585 | MediumVioletRed |
#006400 | DarkGreen | #CD5C5C | IndianRed |
#008000 | Green | #CD853F | Peru |
#008080 | Teal | #D2691E | Chocolate |
#008B8B | DarkCyan | #D2B48C | Tan |
#00BFFF | DeepSkyBlue | #D3D3D3 | LightGray |
#00CED1 | DarkTurquoise | #D8BFD8 | Thistle |
#00FA9A | MediumSpringGreen | #DA70D6 | Orchid |
#00FF00 | Lime | #DAA520 | GoldenRod |
#00FF7F | SpringGreen | #DB7093 | PaleVioletRed |
#00FFFF | Aqua | #DC143C | Crimson |
#00FFFF | Cyan | #DCDCDC | Gainsboro |
#191970 | MidnightBlue | #DDA0DD | Plum |
#1E90FF | DodgerBlue | #DEB887 | BurlyWood |
#20B2AA | LightSeaGreen | #E0FFFF | LightCyan |
#228B22 | ForestGreen | #E6E6FA | Lavender |
#2E8B57 | SeaGreen | #E9967A | DarkSalmon |
#2F4F4F | DarkSlateGray | #EE82EE | Violet |
#32CD32 | LimeGreen | #EEE8AA | PaleGoldenRod |
#3CB371 | MediumSeaGreen | #F08080 | LightCoral |
#40E0D0 | Turquoise | #F0E68C | Khaki |
#4169E1 | RoyalBlue | #F0F8FF | AliceBlue |
#4682B4 | SteelBlue | #F0FFF0 | HoneyDew |
#483D8B | DarkSlateBlue | #F0FFFF | Azure |
#48D1CC | MediumTurquoise | #F4A460 | SandyBrown |
#4B0082 | Indigo | #F5DEB3 | Wheat |
#556B2F | DarkOliveGreen | #F5F5DC | Beige |
#5F9EA0 | CadetBlue | #F5F5F5 | WhiteSmoke |
#6495ED | CornflowerBlue | #F5FFFA | MintCream |
#66CDAA | MediumAquaMarine | #F8F8FF | GhostWhite |
#696969 | DimGray | #FA8072 | Salmon |
#6A5ACD | SlateBlue | #FAEBD7 | AntiqueWhite |
#6B8E23 | OliveDrab | #FAF0E6 | Linen |
#708090 | SlateGray | #FAFAD2 | LightGoldenRodYellow |
#778899 | LightSlateGray | #FDF5E6 | OldLace |
#7B68EE | MediumSlateBlue | #FF0000 | Red |
#7CFC00 | LawnGreen | #FF00FF | Fuchsia |
#7FFF00 | Chartreuse | #FF00FF | Magenta |
#7FFFD4 | Aquamarine | #FF1493 | DeepPink |
#800000 | Maroon | #FF4500 | OrangeRed |
#800080 | Purple | #FF6347 | Tomato |
#808000 | Olive | #FF69B4 | HotPink |
#808080 | Gray | #FF7F50 | Coral |
#87CEEB | SkyBlue | #FF8C00 | DarkOrange |
#87CEFA | LightSkyBlue | #FFA07A | LightSalmon |
#8A2BE2 | BlueViolet | #FFA500 | Orange |
#8B0000 | DarkRed | #FFB6C1 | LightPink |
#8B008B | DarkMagenta | #FFC0CB | Pink |
#8B4513 | SaddleBrown | #FFD700 | Gold |
#8FBC8F | DarkSeaGreen | #FFDAB9 | PeachPuff |
#90EE90 | LightGreen | #FFDEAD | NavajoWhite |
#9370DB | MediumPurple | #FFE4B5 | Moccasin |
#9400D3 | DarkViolet | #FFE4C4 | Bisque |
#98FB98 | PaleGreen | #FFE4E1 | MistyRose |
#9932CC | DarkOrchid | #FFEBCD | BlanchedAlmond |
#9ACD32 | YellowGreen | #FFEFD5 | PapayaWhip |
#A0522D | Sienna | #FFF0F5 | LavenderBlush |
#A52A2A | Brown | #FFF5EE | SeaShell |
#A9A9A9 | DarkGray | #FFF8DC | Cornsilk |
#ADD8E6 | LightBlue | #FFFACD | LemonChiffon |
#ADFF2F | GreenYellow | #FFFAF0 | FloralWhite |
#AFEEEE | PaleTurquoise | #FFFAFA | Snow |
#B0C4DE | LightSteelBlue | #FFFF00 | Yellow |
#B0E0E6 | PowderBlue | #FFFFE0 | LightYellow |
#B22222 | FireBrick | #FFFFF0 | Ivory |
#B8860B | DarkGoldenRod | #FFFFFF | White |
Refer to the Guide to completing a graduate degree and preparing and submitting a dissertation, thesis, or report at Michigan Technological University and the Chicago Manual Style.
DO NOT send your comments, concerns, issues and/or questions about this template to Michigan Tech's Graduate School or Information Technology. Google search often provides a quick and reliable answer. If all else fails, then contact the author. Understand that this is a pro-bono project. Author may very well be busy with work and life responsibilities and as such, do not expect a quick answer/solution.
Feel free to clone/fork this repository and make changes to fit your needs. You have my explicit permission to do so. This template and/or the changes you make may very well work for you (or your institution). Please note that if you decide to do so, you are doing so entirely at your very own discretion and that neither the author nor Michigan Technological University is responsible for any/all damage - intellectual and/or otherwise.
Dr. Gowtham, PhD
Director of Research Computing, IT
Research Associate Professor, College of Computing
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics
Michigan Technological University
Email: [email protected]
URL: https://sgowtham.com