Homemade Stewart Platform prototype.
LiquidCrystal Arduino library for I2C LCD displays: here
• “The Mathematics of the Stewart Platform,” 6 May 2013. Available: https://web.archive.org/web/20130506134518/http://www.wokinghamu3a.org.uk/Maths%20of%20the%20Stewart%20Platform%20v5.pdf.
• F. Szufnarowski, “Stewart platform with fixed rotary actuators: a low cost design study,” Bielefeld, 2013.
• G. A. Leonov, S. A. Zegzhda, S. M. Zuev and B. A. Ershov, “Dynamics and Control of the Stewart Platform,” October 2014. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289261796_Dynamics_and_Control_of_the_Stewart_Platform