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User documentation

Michal Moudrý edited this page Dec 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

User documentation

This page describes the a default end-to-end flow to process documents.

Go to landing page

Go to: Digi Digi - Landing page In the top right corner, you can see a login button that will navigate you to login page.


After you are navigated to the login page, you will see this form:

Digi - sign in form

Then click on any provider to finish signing in.

Create a new processing app

After a sign in, you are navigated to a page with a list of processing apps. Digi - Processing apps

There you can create a new processing app after you click on the "Add app" button located above the table. Clicking on the button opens a form where you can enter app's name and submit the form. Digi - Add processing app dialog window

You can click on an item in the table/grid to navigate to the processing app's detail page.

Create a new workflow

Creating a workflow is available on the processing app's detail page (page can be seen below). Digi - Processing app detail page

After clicking on the "Add a new workflow" you are navigated to a page containing a form for adding a new workflow. Digi - Add a new workflow page

Submitting the form navigates you back to the processing app's detail page.

View workflow detail

After adding a new workflow, then you can click on it in the table/grid to navigate to workflow's detail page (this page can be seen below). Digi - Workflow detail page

Start document processing

To start processing documents you need to click on the "Create a new document batch" button. This button will navigate you a page with a form to create a new batch. Digi - New batch form

After uploading the files you are navigated back to the workflow's detail page.

View processing results

After clicking on an item in grid (= document batch table) of the workflow's detail page, you are navigated to a page containing document batch details (as seen below). Digi - Batch detail page