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Software Architecture and Design Class

Graduate Level course designed to teach students about Software Architecture and Design.

Support App Project

Brief Project Statement

Our project for this semester is to design and develop a software app to provide support to incoming freshmen for CSE 3421 and incoming graduate students for SWE 5450.

Many incoming freshmen encounter an array of problems stemming from being on their own for the first time in their lives. A student can run into problems in all aspects of his/her life: academic, emotional, social, health and hygiene. Many incoming graduate students also face a wide range of problems, academic, emotional, social, cultural, and health problems.

In the absence of support from a family unit, such people would benefit greatly from a system that would act as a daily counselor observing and recording activities and then providing guidance based on an analysis of these observations.The data collection should require minimal input from the student.

Functional Requirements:
• The user interface allows the student options to search for support within different categories:
o academic
o health
o social
o cultural
o emotional/mental issues
o hygiene

Make sure to include security aspects, to design a secure software.


Pseudo Code of Design in Java

Programming Assignments

Singleton Pattern Java

Programming Assignment: Develop a singleton class called ServiceProvider. Include in the class a static method called getInstance() modeled after the lazy initialization technique found in section 26.5 of Larman. Have ServiceProvider print “Constructing ServiceProvider” on its first construction and print “ServiceProvider already exists” on subsequent attempts at construction. Have your main() construct ServiceProvider three times sequentially using ServiceProvider.getInstance().

Factory Pattern Java

Programming Assignment:
Design 4 classes:

• MyController to control the execution of the example,
• ExampleFactory (a singleton) to create a Service object,
• a Service class interface named IAService,
• a Service class named AService the implements IAService.

Have MyController construct the ExampleFactory as a singleton as in program 1.
Have MyController use the ExampleFactory method getService() to create an instance of AService.
Have MyController use the method ProvideService() in AService to print “I’m now providing the service for MyController”.

Decorator Pattern Java

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the rationale for the use of the Decorator pattern and to provide you additional practice with the Factory Pattern.
First read the Decorator Pattern material that is posted on Canvas. This material was taken from the O’Reilly Head First Design Patterns book by Freeman & Freeman.
Then, implement the code found on pages 95 through 98 of the example posting. The printed output should be similar to that on page 98.

  1. After convincing yourself that the code executes properly, replace the main program where the test cases were hard coded. Instead, have the main program create a Store object. Then have the Store object create a (singleton) condimentFactory and a Register object, passing the address of the condimentFactory to the Register.
    The Register then takes the orders from the keyboard. For example:
    New sale
    End sale

The Register then produces and prints the full description of the coffee and condiments ordered plus the price of the coffee with its condiments.

  1. Add a new condiment to the system...”sprinkles”. Run some tests using the new condiment to verify your addition. Pay very close attention to what is involved in adding a new condiment to the system. What needs to be modified and what does not?

Iterator Pattern Java

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the implementation of the Iterator Pattern. This pattern is considered to be so important that the Java designers furnished it as part of the language, i.e., java.util.Iterator. I’m sure you have already used the Iterator in previous classes.

For this assignment, implement the Iterator Pattern yourself. Do not use the built-in Java capability. Once you understand the implementation you will then use the Java supplied Iterator for the remainder of your career.

First, read the Iterator Pattern pdf that is posted on Canvas.
The example concerns the merging of two restaurants:
the Objectville Diner and the Objectville Pancake House. One of the menus had been implemented using an Array structure and the other using an ArrayList. The Iterator allows one to print the merged menus without directly referencing their actual data structures. The code for the solution can be found in the pdf and in folder. Your task is to merge the Diner and Pancake House menus with the menu from Starbuzz Coffee Shop described in the Decorator Head First.pdf found in the module on Canvas. Include the beverages and the condiments. Note: THIS IS NOT A DECORATOR EXERCISE.

• Develop the code for the Starbuzz Coffee menu using a HashTable as the data structure.
• Develop the code for the StarbuzzMenuIterator. Do not use the Java utility.
• Modify the Waitress class to produce the merged menu from the three restaurants.
• Modify the MenuTestDrive to accommodate the addition of a third menu.
• Execute the MenuTestDrive code to test your modification.


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