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What is resolva ?

resolva is a simple and fast path template resolver:
A python library that extracts data from a string by matching configured patterns.

It is inspired by and derived from Lucidity, which in turn is loosely inspired by Shotgrid Toolkit (SGTK) templating.

Full documentation:

How does it work ?

  • For a configured pattern, eg: /mnt/prods/{prod}/shots/{seq}
  • Given a path, eg: /mnt/prods/hamlet/shots/sq010
  • Resolva will extract and return this: {"prod": "hamlet", "seq": "sq010"}


  1. for a path or string input,
  2. the resolver loops through a series of configured patterns,
  3. once a matching pattern found,
  4. extracts data and returns a dictionary

Instead of bare regex, the pattern uses a simpler "format" style syntax.

resolva can also format the data back to a string.

Path resolving

Template based path resolving is a typical need in CG pipeline tools.

Examples include:

  • Shotgrid Toolkit (SGTK) - Leading commercial CG and VFX Project Management and pipeline toolkit
  • CGWire's kitsu file trees - Kitsu is an Open Source collaboration platform for Animation and VFX studios.
  • Lucidity - Inspired by SGTK templating, in turn inspiration and base of resolva
  • spil - Uses resolva at its core

Usage Example


from resolva import Resolver

template = {"maya_file": "/mnt/prods/{prod}/shots/{seq}/{shot}_{version:(v\d\d\d)}.{ext:(ma|mb)}",
            "hou_file": "/mnt/prods/{prod}/shots/{seq}/{shot}_{version:(v\d\d\d)}.{ext:(hip|hipnc)}"}
Resolver("id", template)  # create the Resolver in an instance cache


from resolva import Resolver
r = Resolver.get("id")  # read the Resolver from the instance cache

input = "/mnt/prods/hamlet/shots/sq010/"
label, data = r.resolve_first(input)

# result:
print(f'Detected type "{label}" and extracted "{data}"')


Detected type "maya_file" and extracted 
{"prod": "hamlet", "seq": "sq010", "shot": "sh010", "version": "v012", "ext": "ma"}


  • Simple template format
    • Example: /{shot}/{version}/{name}.{extension:(ma|mb)}
    • handles duplicate placeholders
  • Very simple API
    • resolve with one, first, or all patterns
    • format with one, first, or all patterns
  • High speed thanks to caches
    • instance cache (keep regex compilations in memory)
    • lru_caches (speed up immutable resolves)

Why not Lucidity ?

resolva is a simplified version of Lucidity, a filesystem templating library.

resolva is now used at the core of spil.
A large amount of strings and paths need to be resolved at high speed.

The end goal is to build a rust path template resolver.
Rust development not started yet - contributions are highly welcomed :)

To prepare this in python, we reduced the Lucidity library to its essence (around 100 lines of code).

On top of these essential features, we built a simple Resolver class with an instance cache (to keep regex compiles in memory), and a lru cache, to memoize resolves that have no reason to change.

The result is a fast and very simple toolset.

resolva keeps essential Lucidity's features:

  • simple template format
  • handles duplicate placeholders
  • pattern anchoring (start:^,end:$)

resolva lacks some Lucidity features, that were left out:

  • individual template API
  • nested data structures
  • template discovery
  • templates referencing templates
  • python 2 support

If you need one of these, go for the original :)


resolva works in Python >=3.7.
It is available on pypi and can be installed using pip install resolva,

resolva is open source, License: MIT.


resolva is inspired by, and derived from Lucidity.

copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips

licence: Apache License, Version 2.0

(c) 2024 Michael Haussmann
licence: MIT

Interested ?

We'd love to hear from you.
We are interested in any kind of feedback: comments, questions, issues, pull requests.

Do not hesitate to start a discussion on github.

python type checker gitHub release


Simple and fast path and string template resolver.







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