Stock Market Dashboard
This repository contains code for a stock market dashboard project that analyzes the stock prices of various companies over time. The project utilizes Python's pandas library to manipulate and analyze the data, providing insights into price and volume changes, both in nominal and percentage terms.
Data Manipulation: The code manipulates the stock market data by calculating various metrics, including changes in price and volume. Specifically, it computes the following:
Change in price: The absolute difference between the closing price of a stock on consecutive days. Percent change in price: The percentage change in the closing price of a stock relative to the previous day's closing price. Change in volume: The absolute difference in trading volume of a stock on consecutive days. Percent change in volume: The percentage change in trading volume of a stock relative to the previous day's volume. These calculations provide valuable insights into the volatility and trading activity of each stock over time.
Guidance Video: For a comprehensive guide on how to use and understand the stock market dashboard, a helpful YouTube video is available here - This video serves as a tutorial, offering insights into the project's functionalities and how to interpret the data visualizations.
Industry Groupings: In addition to analyzing individual stock performance, this project also includes an industry grouping feature. The companies are grouped into different industries, including Electronic Technology, Technology Services, Retail, and Consumer Goods. This grouping provides a broader perspective on stock market trends and allows for more extensive analysis of sectoral performance.
While industry grouping could also be done in Tableau, it was decided to implement it within the Python code for ease of use and to leverage a larger dataset.
Dataset Used: The project utilizes the Stock Market Dataset available on Kaggle - This dataset provides historical stock market data for analysis and visualization.
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