sp-sc - Sport Scheduler
Website Link: https://sportscheduler.onrender.com/
*(The web Database in on render is down. So the website is not working currently)
- part 2 of the Video: https://www.loom.com/share/d4883a19bef046e481e472f478357b87
This project is a web application that allows users to create and manage their own sports leagues. Users can create leagues, add teams, and schedule games. The application will automatically generate a schedule for the league based on the number of teams and the number of games to be played. The application will also allow users to view the schedule and standings for the league.
- Sign up and login to the application as a user or admin
- Create a Sport
- Create a Create session for each sport
- Join a on created session
- Delete and edit a session
- View sessions by Active, Passed, canceled sessions
- For admin, view report and View all users including admin and users
- Node.js Modules
- Express
- Sequelize
- tailwindcss