- This is an iOS 16 application I have built by learning from Apple on how to build iPhone apps
- The tutorial can be found here
- An beautifully organized list view of various park destinations across the US with pictures included
- A featured view with the parks organized in their respecitve categories: lakes, mountains and rivers
- A list view that lists all parks in one vertical view with a filter toggle button to hide/unhide favorite parks
- A map view on every detailed view displaying the exact region of the park's location using Apple maps
- A user profile view with an edit view that saves data to the application's data model
- A button configured on every detailed view of the park to add/remove to the favorites list
How to:
- add, modify and connect multiple views
- pass data across multiple views
- decode and use json data
- use Mapkit
- animate views
- add and modify charts
- Work on this app to improve its usablity and user interface
- Reinforce the skills I've learnt from working on this project
- Repeat step 1 & 2 because this building iOS apps using SwiftUI is fun!!!