Finished Development: 03/10/2023
Full documentation can be found here:
This was the project that I worked on my senior year of high school. It solely used a game engine that I wrote (rendering was taken care of by libraries). It has four games and they can either be played with a controller or keyboard. I worked with somebody else to put the games in a wooden arcade cabinet that we built.
Robowars: an endless platformer where the player is chased by a monster. There are powerups, enemies, and the player can jump in midair.
No Internet Game: game that is similar to Google's No Internet Dinosaur Game. I added a twist though (horizontal movement)!
Bird Shooter: pong-like game where you have to shoot the ball multiple times to have it change direction
This project has multiple dependencies that need to be downloaded: pygame and game-qu. So type these commands in the terminal before running. The file that needs to be run is the file. Make sure you run it from the root directory!
- pip install game-qu
- pip install pygame
- If you click any button on the main screen, you will be taken to that game
- Hit the escape key to go back to the main screen
- Hit the 'h' key to go to Robowars
- Hit the 'j' key to go to Space Shooter
- Hit the 'k' key to go to No Internet Game
- Hit the 'l' key to go to Bird Shooter
- To move left and right use the 'a' and 'd' keys
- To jump press the 'w' key
- To shoot press the 'f' key
- Move left and right with the 'a' and 'd' keys
- Shoot with the 'w' key. The longer the key is held in the bigger the laser is (small, medium, or large)
- Spawn new meteorites with the 's' key
- Move left and right with the left and right arrow keys
- Shoot with the up arrow key. The longer the key is held in the bigger the laser is (small, medium, or large)
- Spawn new meteorites with the down arrow key
- If you click any button the main game screen, you will be taken to that game mode
- Hit the 'q' key to go back to the main game screen
- To move left and right use the 'a' and 'd' keys
- To jump press the 'w' key
- Move left and right with the 'a' and 'd' keys
- Move up and down with the 'w' and 's' keys
- Shoot with the 'f' key. The longer the key is held in the bigger the laser is (small, medium, or large)
- Hold the 'g' key to enter a mode where you can move the beak up and down using the 'a' and 'd' keys
- Move left and right with the left and right arrow keys
- Move up and down with the up and down arrow keys
- Shoot with the question mark key. The longer the key is held in the bigger the laser is (small, medium, or large)
- Hold the period key to enter a mode where you can move the beak up and down using the left and right arrow keys