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Abhyuday Roychowdhury edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 9 revisions

In order for a new game to load you need to restart your server, you can automate this. The best method for this depends on your setup.

Hosted on your own PC or dedicated server

The plugin uses the /restart command present in spigot to restart the server. In order for this command to work you need to configure a start script in your spigot.yml.

Using an Minecraft host with online control panel

Running scripts used by the /restart command is most likely not allowed. Therefore the only way to "restart" your server is by using a crash detection feature. The plugin will shutdown your server. Your control panel can than detect it as "crashed" and will auto restart it. If your host uses Multicraft it could already be on by default. If not you may be able to turn it on through your control panel, if not you'll have to ask your host to turn it on for you. If your host doesn't use Multicraft contact your host.

If you don't want to bother with a restart script (Windows Only)

You can add some extra commands to the start.bat file you most likely use to start your server. I would suggest using something like this, but you can configure it yourself. @echo off title <Server Name> :start: cls java -Xmx3G -Xms256M -jar <Server File>.jar --nogui goto start

  • Change it to fit your needs
  • @echo off : Makes it look perty :)
  • title : Changes the name of the command prompt window so you can find it easily if you have many servers running.
  • :start: : Marks the point in the file that the loop begins
  • cls : clears all text from the command window, everything is saved to your /logs/ anyway. Frees some memory
  • goto start : Will only run once the server is stopped. Is the executor for the loop.
  • You can also change -Xmx3G and -Xms256M to whatever amount of RAM you would like the server to use. Xmx is maximum, Xms is minimum.
  • More optional lines:
  • pause : will require a button press to continue to the next line