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Node.js library for the Method API



npm install --save method-node


import { Method, Environments } from 'method-node';
const method = new Method({
  apiKey: '<API_KEY>',


Entities are a representation of your application’s end-users (individuals or corporation). Throughout Method’s ecosystem, an Entity is the legal owner of an account, and is the primary object for many of Method’s API endpoints.

Entities should be persisted with a 1:1 relationship throughout the lifecycle of your end-user.

PII Requirements

Entity PII requirements are pre-defined during onboarding based on your team’s specific use case. Entities require at a minimum name + phone number for most services. Some Products and Subscriptions may require additional information to be provided to Method to enable certain features. Contact your Method CSM for more information.

Core Methods

Create Individual Entity

const entity = await method.entities.create({
  type: "individual",
  individual: {
    first_name: "Kevin",
    last_name: "Doyle",
    phone: "+16505555555",
    email: "[email protected]",
    dob: "1997-03-18",
  address: {
    line1: "3300 N Interstate 35",
    line2: null,
    city: "Austin",
    state: "TX",
    zip: "78705",

Create Corporation Entity

const entity = await method.entities.create({
  type: 'corporation',
  corporation: {
    name: 'Alphabet Inc.',
    dba: 'Google',
    ein: '641234567',
    owners: [
        first_name: 'Sergey',
        last_name: 'Brin',
        phone: '+16505555555',
        email: '[email protected]',
        dob: '1973-08-21',
        address: {
          line1: '600 Amphitheatre Parkway',
          line2: null,
          city: 'Mountain View',
          state: 'CA',
          zip: '94043',
  address: {
    line1: '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway',
    line2: null,
    city: 'Mountain View',
    state: 'CA',
    zip: '94043',

Retrieve Entity

const entity = await method.entities.retrieve('ent_au22b1fbFJbp8');

Update Entity

const entity = await method.entities.update('ent_au22b1fbFJbp8', {
  individual: {
    first_name: 'Kevin',
    last_name: 'Doyle',
    email: '[email protected]',
    dob: '1997-03-18',

List Entities

const entities = await method.entities.list();

Withdraw an Entity's consent

const entity = await method.entities.withdrawConsent('ent_au22b1fbFJbp8');


The Connect endpoint identifies & connects all the liability accounts (e.g. Credit Card, Mortgage, Auto Loans, Student Loans, etc.) for an Entity across Method’s network of 1500+ FI / Lenders.

Create a Connect

const entity = await method

Retrieve a Connect

const entity = await method

Entity Verification Sessions

The Entity Verification Sessions manages phone and identity verification sessions for Entities. Entities need to verify their identity and/or phone in order for them to be used throughout the Method API. ​ ####Verification Requirements

Entity verification requirements differ on a team-by-team basis. A team’s unique verification process is pre-defined during onboarding based on your team’s specific use case. Contact your Method CSM for more information.

The method key in entity.verification object will enumerate the phone & identity verifications available for your Entity. Refer to the Entity Object.

Any Entity Verification Session will expire 10 minutes after creation. If the verification is not completed within that time limit, another verification session will need to be created.

Retrieve a Verification Session

const response = await method

Create a BYO KYC Verification

const response = await method
    type: "identity",
    method: "byo_kyc",
    byo_kyc: {},

Create a KBA Verification

const response = await method
    type: "identity",
    method: "kba",
    kba: {},

Update a KBA Verification

const response = await method
  .update("evf_ywizPrR6WDxDG", {
    type: "identity",
    method: "kba",
    kba: {
      answers: [
          question_id: "qtn_xgP6cGhq34fHW",
          answer_id: "ans_dbKCwDGwrrBgi"
          question_id: "qtn_kmfdEftQ9zc6T",
          answer_id: "ans_LXN83xnJAUNFb"
          question_id: "qtn_6mWegPLBpAFxb",
          answer_id: "ans_EKi47D8wA6YN3"

Create a BYO SMS Verification

const response = await method
    type: "phone",
    method: "byo_sms",
    byo_sms: {
      timestamp: "2023-12-28T14:35:15.816Z",

Create a SMS Verification

const response = await method
    type: "phone",
    method: "sms",
    sms: {},

Update a SMS Verification

const response = await method
  .update("evf_3VT3bHTCnPbrm", {
    type: "phone",
    method: "sms",
    sms: { sms_code: "884134" },

Create a SNA Verification

const response = await method
    type: "phone",
    method: "sna",
    sna: {},

Update a SNA Verification

const response = await method
  .update("evf_qTNNzCQ63zHJ9", {
    type: "phone",
    method: "sna",
    sna: {},

Credit Scores

The Credit Score endpoint returns the latest credit score and score factors for an Entity.

Create Individual Credit Scores

const entity = await method

Retrieve Individual Credit Scores

const entity = await method


The identities endpoint is used to retrieve the underlying identity (PII) of an Entity. The Identity endpoint requires an Entity to have at least a name and phone number.

For an active entity or entities with a matched identity (verification.identity.matched) the identity endpoint will return a single identity with the PII.

For all other entities the identity endpoint could return multiple identities as the provided PII was not enough to disambiguate and match a single identity.

The Identity endpoint is restricted to most teams. Contact your Method CSM for more information.

Create Identities

const entity = await method

Retrieve Identities

const entity = await method

Entity Products

The Entity Products endpoint outlines the Products (capabilities) an Entity has access to, and provides an overview of the status of all the Products.

Access to most products requires an Entity to be active. However, some products have restricted access requiring team-by-team enablement.

List all Products

const response = await method

Retrieve a Product

const response = await method

Entity Subscriptions

The Entity Subscriptions endpoint controls the state of all Subscriptions for an Entity.

Subscriptions are Products that can provide continuous updates via Webhooks. (e.g. Credit Score Subscription provides updates on an Entity’s credit score)

Most subscriptions are accessible by default. However, some subscriptions have restricted access requiring team-by-team enablement and elevated account verification.

Create a Subscription

const response = await method

List all Subscriptions

const response = await method

Retrieve a Subscription

const response = await method

Delete a Subscription

const response = await method


Accounts are a representation of an Entity’s financial accounts. An Account can be a checking or savings account (ACH) or a credit card, student loan, mortgage, personal loan, etc. (Liability).


Create Ach Account

const account = await method.accounts.create({
  holder_id: 'ent_y1a9e1fbnJ1f3',
  ach: {
    routing: '367537407',
    number: '57838927',
    type: 'checking',

Create Liability Account

const account = await method.accounts.create({
  holder_id: 'ent_au22b1fbFJbp8',
  liability: {
    mch_id: 'mch_2',
    account_number: '1122334455',

Retrieve Account

const account = await method.accounts.retrieve('acc_Zc4F2aTLt8CBt');

List Accounts

const accounts = await method.accounts.list();

Withdraw an Account's consent

const account = await method.accounts.withdrawConsent('acc_yVf3mkzbhz9tj');


The Updates endpoint retrieves in real-time account data including Balance, due dates, APRs, directly from the Account’s financial institution.

Create an Update

const response = await method

List all Updates

const response = await method

Retrieve an Update

const response = await method


The Transactions endpoint retrieves real-time transaction (authorization, clearing, etc) notifications for Credit Card Accounts directly from the card networks.

Subscription to Transactions is required before receiving transactional data for an account

List all Transactions

const response = await method
    from_date: '2024-03-13',
    to_date: '2024-03-15',

Retrieve a Transaction

const response = await method

Card Brand

The CardBrand endpoint retrieves the associated credit card metadata (Product / Brand Name, Art, etc) directly from the card issuer.

Create a Card Brand

const response = await method

Retrieve a Card Brand

const response = await method


The Payoffs endpoint retrieves a payoff quote in real-time from the Account’s financial institution / lender.

Payoffs are currently only available for Auto Loan accounts

Create a Payoff

const response = await method

List all Payoffs

const response = await method

Retrieve a Payoff

const response = await method


The Balance endpoint retrieves the real-time balance from the Account’s financial institution.

Create a Balance

const response = await method

List all Balances

const response = await method

Retrieve a Balance

const response = await method

Account Sensitive

The Sensitive endpoint returns underlying sensitive Account information (e.g. PAN, CVV, account number). This product is only available for Liabilities.

The Sensitive endpoint is restricted to most teams, and requires PCI compliance to access. Contact your Method CSM for more information.

Create a Sensitive

const response = await method
    expand: [

Retrieve a Sensitive

const response = await method

Account Products

The Account Products endpoint outlines the Products (capabilities) an Account has access to, and provides an overview of the status of all the Products.

Most products are accessible by default. However, some products have restricted access requiring team-by-team enablement and elevated account verification.

List all Products

const response = await method

Retrieve a Product

const response = await method

Account Subscriptions

The Account Subscriptions endpoint controls the state of all Subscriptions for an Account.

Subscriptions are Products that can provide continuous updates via Webhooks. (e.g. Transaction Subscription provides real-time updates on a Credit Card’s transactions)

Most subscriptions are accessible by default. However, some subscriptions have restricted access requiring team-by-team enablement and elevated account verification.

Create a Subscription

const response = await method

List all Subscriptions

const response = await method

Retrieve a Subscription

const response = await method

Delete a Subscription

const response = await method

Account Verification Sessions

The account verification manages required verification to enable products for ACH or Liability accounts.

For example, ACH Accounts require a verified AccountVerificationSession before they can be used as a source for Payments.

Create Verification

const verification = await method
  .create({ type: '<verification session type>' });

Update Micro Deposits Verification

const verification = await method
  .update('avf_yBQQNKmjRBTqF', {
    micro_deposits: {
      amounts: [10, 34]

Update Plaid Verification

const verification = await method
  .update('avf_DjkdemgTQfqRD', {
    plaid: {
      balances: {
        available: 100,
        current: 110,
        iso_currency_code: 'USD',
        limit: null,
        unofficial_currency_code: null
      transactions: [

Update Teller Verification

const verification = await method
  .update('avf_DjkdemgTQfqRD', {
    teller: {
      balances: {
        account_id: 'acc_ns9gkibeia6ad0rr6s00q',
        available: '93011.13',
        ledger: '93011.13',
        links: {
          account: '',
          self: ''
      transactions: [

Update MX Verification

const verification = await method
  .update('avf_DjkdemgTQfqRD', {
    mx: {
      account: {
        institution_code: 'chase',
        guid: 'ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1',
        account_number: null,
        apr: null,
        apy: null,
        available_balance: 1000.23,
        available_credit: null,
        balance: 1000.23,
        cash_balance: 1000.32,
        cash_surrender_value: 1000.23,
        created_at: '2016-10-13T17:57:37+00:00',
      transactions: [

Update Standard Verification

const verification = await method
  .update('avf_DjkdemgTQfqRD', {
    standard: {
      number: '4111111111111111',

Update Pre-auth Verification

const verification = await method
  .update('avf_DjkdemgTQfqRD', {
    pre_auth: {
      cvv: '031'

Retrieve Verification

const verification = await method


Merchants are resources that represent a specific type of liability for a financial institution. Method supports the majority of the financial institutions in the U.S.

Financial institutions that offer multiple liability products are represented in Method as separate Merchants.


List Merchants

const merchants = await method.merchants.list();

Retrieve Merchant

const merchant = await method.merchants.retrieve('mch_1');


A Payment is the transfer of funds from a source checking or savings bank account to a destination credit card, auto loan, mortgage, student loan, and more.

All Payments are processed electronically between the source and destination, and take 2-3 business days depending on the receiving financial institution.


Create Payment

const payment = await method.payments.create({
  amount: 5000,
  source: 'acc_JMJZT6r7iHi8e',
  destination: 'acc_AXthnzpBnxxWP',
  description: 'Loan Pmt',

Retrieve Payment

const payment = await method.payments.retrieve('pmt_rPrDPEwyCVUcm');

Delete Payment

const payment = await method.payments.delete('pmt_rPrDPEwyCVUcm');

List Payments

const payments = await method.payments.list();


Retrieve Reversal

const reversal = await method.payments('pmt_rPrDPEwyCVUcm').reversals.retrieve('rvs_eaBAUJtetgMdR');

Update Reversal

const reversal = await method
  .update('rvs_eaBAUJtetgMdR', { status: 'pending' });

List Reversals for Payment

const reversals = await method.payments('pmt_rPrDPEwyCVUcm').reversals.list();


Webhooks allow the Method API to notify your application when certain events occur.

To receive Webhook notifications, create a Webhook by registering a URL pointing to your application where triggered events should be sent to. This URL is where Method will send event information in an HTTPS POST request.

​ Handling webhooks A Webhook event is considered successfully delivered when the corresponding URL endpoint responds with an HTTP status code of 200 within 5 seconds.

If the criteria is not met, Method will reattempt 4 more times with each new attempt being delayed according to an exponential backoff algorithm, where the delay period between each attempt exponentially increases.

Webhooks that consistently fail to respond with a 200 will automatically be disabled.


Create Webhook

const webhook = await method.webhooks.create({
  type: 'payment.update',
  url: '',
  auth_token: 'md7UqcTSmvXCBzPORDwOkE',

Retrieve Webhook

const webhook = await method.webhooks.retrieve('whk_cSGjA6d9N8y8R');

Delete Webhoook

const webhook = await method.webhooks.delete('whk_cSGjA6d9N8y8R');

List Webhooks

const webhooks = await method.webhooks.list();


Reports provide a filtered snapshot view of a specific resource. Method provides a fixed set of filters (Report Types) which include the following:

  • The resource to filter
  • The applied filter
  • The snapshot window


Create Report

const report = await method.reports.create({ type: 'payments.created.current' });

Retrieve Report

const report = await method.reports.retrieve('rpt_cj2mkA3hFyHT5');

Download Report

const reportCSV = await'rpt_cj2mkA3hFyHT5');


To provide a seamless integration experience with Method in the development environment, you can simulate creations or updates for specific resources on-demand.

This ensures that your application handles all cases for multistep flows that would naturally occur in live environments (sandbox and production).

Simulation endpoints are only accessible in the development environment. Attempts to access these endpoints in sandbox or production will result in a 403 Forbidden error.


Update a payment's status

const payment = await method
  .update('pmt_rPrDPEwyCVUcm', { status: 'processing' });

Create a Transaction

const transaction = await method