A replication is a Meteor collection that synchronizes with an external source. The synchronization is done by a configurable polling time and is one way. Any changes made directly to the replication will be overwritten on the next sync.
meteor add alt:replication
Set up a data source for the replication
// server.js
MySql = Npm.require('mysql')
let pool = MySql.createPool({
host: 'localhost',
database: 'mydb',
user: 'test',
password: 'password'
let ds = Meteor.Replication.DataSource(pool)
Create replications using the data source
// server.js
let Products = Meteor.Replication('products', ds, 'select * from catalog')
Publish a dataset just like with any Meteor collection
// server.js
Meteor.publish('active_products', () => {
return Products.find({status: 'active'}, {fields: {name: 1, price: 1, desc: 1}})
And subscribe to it on the client as usual
// client.js
let Products = Mogo.Collection('products')
To update the data you need to update the external data and optionally server and client collections. On the server use the Replication.modify method to ensure your change happens immediately.
// server.js
updateProductPrice(id, price){
pool.query('update catalog set price = ? where id = ?', [price, id], (err, result) => {
// optionally update replication or wait for poll
Products.modify([id], () => { Products.update({_id: id}, {$set: {price: price}}) })
// client.js
// optional client stubs to compensate for latency
updateProductPrice(id, price){
Products.update({_id: id}, {$set: {price: price}})
Parameter | Description |
connection | object that handles retrieving data from external source |
method | method on connection to call (defaults to 'query') |
delay | minimum number of seconds between sync polls (defaults to 10 seconds) |
The method of the connection object is expected to be asynchronous and require a callback as it's last parameter. The callback receives 2 parameters (err, data).
Parameter | Description |
name | collection name |
data_source | instance of Meteor.Replication.DataSource |
...args | any number of arguments passed to the datasource method |
The rows are assumed to have 'id' as the primary key. Use the id method of DataSource to set a different primary key for each replication.
let Products = Meteor.Replication('products', ds.id('partNum'), 'select * from catalog')
let Orders = Meteor.Replication('orders', ds.id('orderNum'), 'select * from orders where state = ?', ['pending'])
Replication defaults to patching minimongo to provide a faster method of checking for records that need to be deleted on sync. To disable this and only use official published collection api - set the DISABLE_FAST_COUNT environment variable.
DISABLE_FAST_COUNT=true meteor run