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The backend for the MenloHacksLive iOS and Web

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MenloHacks Vivere


MenloHacks Vivere is the backend system for all day-of-operations. It is written in Python using the Flask framework and uses MongoDB for its datastore. Note that Vivere is currently a work in progress and certain things are not finalized yet or secure.

All endpoints are relative to and for endpoints that require authorization the authorization token should be placed in the X-MenloHacks-Authorization field.

All parameters should be end in the body of POST requests formatted as JSON (with content-type application/json) and all parameters for GET requests should be included in the URL.

This document will be updated as new endpoints are created or as API specs change.


Every time an object is retrieved from the server, it will be represented as a JSON object. Each JSON object will be uniform across the system by object type for uniform JSON parsing.


Clients cannot query information about a user directly.

Parameter Name Description
id A unique identifier generated by the server
description A brief description of the issue the user is experiencing
location The physical location of the user within the venue
contact The best way for a mentor to contact the user (phone number or email)
time_complete The time the ticket was marked as closed. Will be null if the ticket is still open or expired.
time_created The time the ticket was created
claimed Has the ticket been claimed?
expired Is the ticket expired
is_mine Did the current user create the ticket

Sample JSON

    "claimed": false,
    "contact": "contact",
    "description": "description",
    "id": "58b2357f7a2f2e2e723e130e",
    "location": "location",
    "time_complete": null,
    "time_created": "2017-02-25T15:55:05.978298",
    "expired" : false,
    "is_mine" : true
Parameter Name Description
id A unique identifier generated by the server
short_description A brief description of the event. The title.
long_description A longer, more in depth description of the event for a detail view on a client.
location The location in the venue the event is happening. See location object.
start_time Time the event starts
start_time Time the event ends

Sample JSON

  "end_time": "2017-02-24T16:14:00",
  "id": "58acf4077a2f2e921896da2e",
  "location": `location_object`,
  "long_description": "A fun thing",
  "short_description": "Opening Ceremony",
  "start_time": "2017-02-16T16:14:00"
Parameter Name Description
id A unique identifier generated by the server
name The name of the location
map A url with an image of the map for the location.
rank A number in which to sort the location by. The rank will only appear if it is a primary location, one to show on the list of maps.
is_primary Whether or not the map should show up in the list of maps. Equivalent to rank > -1
  "id": "58ad07c47a2f2e9dfdbac50b",
  "map": "",
  "name": "test",
  "is_primary" : true
Parameter Name Description
id A unique identifier generated by the server
message The announcement itself
message The time the announcement was made
  "message": "Some message",
  "id": "58ae92f97a2f2ef7d88e59bc",
  "time": "2017-02-22T21:44:27",

Response Format

All responses will be returned as JSON. Successful responses will be returned with a 2xx code.

All successful responses will be formatted as shown in the example below.

  "data": `JSON Object`,
  "success": true

All error messages the server is expected to return will be formatted as follows.

  "error": {
    "message" : "some message",
    "title" : "some title"
    } ,
  "success": false

User Accounts

POST user/create

Creates a new user account. Note that this does not create a new account on the application site and thus should only be used for mentor accounts which do not need a full profile.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
name The user's full name YES N/A
username A unique username for the user. By convention, will be an email, but this will not be enforced server side. YES N/A
password The user's password. YES N/A

Successful requests will return a 201 with an authorization token. An example successful request is shown below

  "data": {
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImV4cCI6MTQ4ODA3MDQzMywiaWF0IjoxNDg4MDY2ODMzfQ.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imphc29uMyJ9.4j_SGsVkuV82PLkPccMzodukQw1PElksAn1l6DpT8sE"
  "success": true

Errors will be returned for missing parameters or if an account already exists with the specified username.

POST user/login

Login an already existing user. Returns a new authorization token.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
username The username of the user. Typically their email. YES N/A
password The user's password. YES N/A

Successful logins will return a 200 with a response similar to below.

  "data": {
    "name": "Jason Scharff",
    "token": "eyJpYXQiOjE0ODg2MTE2NzMsImV4cCI6MTQ4ODcxOTY3MywiYWxnIjoiSFMyNTYifQ.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imphc29uIn0.EPr0fjSgn_0E3Zi5cdxegHZkK1WfvhSXGgNYfNKgb2I",
    "username": "jason"
  "success": true

Errors may be thrown in the event of a missing parameter or an invalid username and password combination.

MenloHacks Live

The goal of the overall MenloHacks live platform is to provide MenloHacks attendees a simple way to quickly see event information. Login is not required for any MenloHacks Live related endpoints.

GET times

Returns the crucial times for the event. The primary purpose of this endpoint is to construct a countdown for time remaining.

There are no parameters for this endpoint. An example successful response is shown below.

  "data": {
    "event_end_time": "2017-03-19T02:00:00",
    "event_start_time": "2017-03-18T00:15:00",
    "hacking_end_time": "2017-03-19T00:00:00",
    "hacking_start_time": "2017-03-18T02:00:00"
  "success": true

No errors are specified by this endpoint.

GET maps

Returns a list of maps to help attendees navigate. Currently, there is only a map for both levels of the gymnasium, but the system supports any number of maps.

There are no parameters for this endpoint.

An example successful response returns an array of maps. An example is shown below.

  "data": [
      "id": "58ad07c47a2f2e9dfdbac50b",
      "map": "",
      "name": "Basement",
      "rank" : 1,
      "is_primary" : true
  "success": true

GET announcements

Returns a list of announcements that have been made in reverse chronological order. Announcements can be made by event organizers by texting the MenloHacks phone number or using the MenloHacks Vivere admin site. Announcements are always given since a specified date.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
since_date An ISO8601 formatted date for which all announcements after will be returned after the date. To get all announcements use the the UNIX epoch has this date NO January 1, 1970–-the unix epoch.

An error will be returned if since_date is not provided..

An example successful response is shown below.

  "data": [
      "message": "test2",
      "id": "58ae92f97a2f2ef7d88e59bc",
      "time": "2017-02-22T21:44:27",
      "message": "test",
      "id": "58ae92d37a2f2ef7be114fab",
      "time": "2017-02-22T21:44:09",
  "success": true

GET events

Returns a list of events on the schedule in chronological order by start time. Because the number of events should be relatively small, all events are given as one response. Events can be added by organizers using the MenloHacks Vivere admin site.

There are no parameters for this endpoint.

An example successful response is shown below.

  "data": [
      "end_time": "2017-02-24T16:14:00",
      "id": "58acf4077a2f2e921896da2e",
      "location": {
        "id": "58ad07c47a2f2e9dfdbac50b",
        "map": "",
        "name": "test"
      "long_description": "Welcome to MenloHacks II",
      "short_description": "Opening Ceremony",
      "start_time": "2017-02-16T16:14:00"
      "end_time": "2017-04-16T14:32:00",
      "id": "58b222307a2f2e28ef102b65",
      "location": {
        "id": "58ad07c47a2f2e9dfdbac50b",
        "map": "",
        "name": "test"
      "long_description": "A super long event.",
      "short_description": "Some long event",
      "start_time": "2017-04-08T14:32:00"
  "success": true

No errors are specified.


Version 1 of MenloHacks Vivere features a fairly straightforward mentorship system. Users are able to create tickets and other users can claim them. All tickets expire after 30 minutes if they are not claimed.

POST mentorship/create

Creates a ticket in the mentorship system. Authorization is required.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
description A brief description of the issue the person needs help with YES N/A
location The physical location the mentee is located at within the venue YES N/A
contact The best way to reach the mentee (phone, email, etc) YES N/A

Successful requests will return code 201. An example successful response is below.

  "data": {
    "claimed": false,
    "contact": "[email protected]",
    "expired" : "false",
    "description": "Django admin site isn't loading CSS",
    "id": "58b225be7a2f2e2a3702419a",
    "location": "Main gym, near the front",
    "time_created": "2017-02-25T14:47:53.628224"
  "success": true

Errors will be thrown with code 400 if a parameter is missing or no/an invalid authentication token is provided.

GET mentorship/queue

Returns a list of tickets currently in the mentorship queue in chronological order. Tickets older than 30 minutes are deemed expired and not included. Claimed or closed tickets are not included. Login is not required.


There are no parameters.

An example successful response is shown below.

  "data": [
      "claimed": false,
      "contact": "[email protected]",
      "description": "Django admin site isn't loading CSS",
      "id": "58b2256b7a2f2e2922166a12",
      "expired" : false,
      "location": "Main gym, near the front",
      "time_created": "2017-02-25T14:33:35.474000"
      "claimed": false,
      "contact": "[email protected]",
      "description": "Django admin site isn't loading CSS",
      "expired" : false,
      "id": "58b225947a2f2e2a154f472a",
      "location": "Main gym, near the front",
      "time_created": "2017-02-25T14:47:11.865000"
  "success": true

No errors are specifically designated.

GET mentorship/user/queue

Gets all tickets created by the current logged in user. Requires login.

The API separates tickets into four buckets: closed, in-progress, expired, and open. This is the only way for users to see tickets that are not currently open.

An example successful response is shown below.

  "data": {
    "categories": [
    "tickets": {
      "closed": [
          "claimed": true,
          "contact": "6502136962",
          "description": "I'm having a problem with python",
          "expired": true,
          "id": "58bcc1d6d23aad0009291ff1",
          "location": "Main gym",
          "time_complete": "2017-03-06T03:31:42.759000",
          "time_created": "2017-03-06T01:56:38.870000"
          "claimed": false,
          "contact": "3",
          "description": "1",
          "expired": true,
          "id": "58bc8d1f0de457000913b883",
          "location": "2",
          "time_complete": "2017-03-06T03:31:45.951000",
          "time_created": "2017-03-05T22:11:43.921000"
      "expired": [
          "claimed": false,
          "contact": "thomas",
          "description": "Test Ticket",
          "expired": true,
          "id": "58bb2c2a085dd7000a262ca3",
          "location": "Mars",
          "time_complete": null,
          "time_created": "2017-03-04T20:48:23.195000"
      "in_progress": [
          "claimed": true,
          "contact": "thomas",
          "description": "testing after fix",
          "expired": false,
          "id": "58bb3429cf845c000add6ff3",
          "location": "Mars",
          "time_complete": null,
          "time_created": "2017-03-04T21:39:53.532000"
      "open": [
          "claimed": false,
          "contact": "",
          "description": "",
          "expired": false,
          "id": "58bb2b3d085dd7000a262ca2",
          "location": "",
          "time_complete": null,
          "time_created": "2017-03-04T20:48:23.195000"
  "success": true

An error will be thrown if the user is not logged in.

'GET mentorship/user/claimed'

Returns a list of tickets claimed by the logged in user and currently open. Requires login.

There are no parameters for this endpoint.

Successful responses return a 200. A sample response is provided below.

  "data": [
      "claimed": false,
      "contact": "contact",
      "description": "description",
      "expired": false,
      "id": "58b23d3d7a2f2e30b1394276",
      "location": "location",
      "time_complete": null,
      "time_created": "2017-02-25T16:26:19.839612"
  "success": true

POST mentorship/claim

Claim a ticket for the current user.. Takes the ticket off of the queue. Must be logged in.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
id The ID of the ticket to claim. YES N/A

Successful queries will return a 200. An example response is shown below.

  "data": {
    "claimed": true,
    "contact": "[email protected]",
    "description": "Help, please",
    "id": "58b22be07a2f2e2b2a26a40d",
    "location": "MS Gym",
    "time_created": "2017-02-25T15:09:51.996000",
    "expired" : false
  "success": true

Errors will be thrown if there is no logged in user, a ticket does not exist with the specified ID, or the ticket is already claimed.

POST mentorship/reopen

Re-open a previously claimed ticket. Also resets the time opened to give it an additional 30 minutes, but preserves its spot in the queue. Both the mentor and mentee are able to re-open a ticket.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
id The ID of the ticket to reopen. YES N/A

A successful response will return a 200 An example response is shown below.

  "data": {
    "claimed": false,
    "expired" : false,
    "contact": "[email protected]",
    "description": "Help, please",
    "id": "58b22be07a2f2e2b2a26a40d",
    "location": "MS Gym",
    "time_created": "2017-02-25T15:09:51.996000"
  "success": true

Errors will be thrown if no user is logged in, the user logged in is not the mentee or mentor, or the ticket was already open.


POST mentorship/close

Closes a ticket once the mentor is done with it or the mentee no longer needs help.

Parameter Name Description Required Default
id The ID of the ticket to close. YES N/A

A successful response will return a 200 An example response is shown below.

  "data": {
    "claimed": false,
    "contact": "[email protected]",
    "description": "Help, please",
    "id": "58b22be07a2f2e2b2a26a40d",
    "location": "MS Gym",
    "expired" : false,
    "time_created": "2017-02-25T15:09:51.996000"
  "success": true

Errors will be returned if no user is logged in or the person closing the ticket is not the mentee or mentor.


Notifications will be sent over Pusher. Notifications will be sent for updates to the mentorship queue or for new announcements so that clients can react live.

Notifications regarding mentorship will be sent over the com.vivere.mentorchannel and notifications regarding new announcements will be sent over the com.vivere.announcement channel.


The backend for the MenloHacksLive iOS and Web






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