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Ajukirurg edited this page Jan 7, 2024 · 4 revisions

How do I set this up?


  • Install Python version 3.7 or higher

  • Download & unzip FFmpeg. You can find a version containing the .exe in the Get packages & executable files section

  • Use cmd to navigate into the directory where you want to install EmoteMaker, then install Emotemaker via the pip install -e git+ command

    • i.e. cd C:\Users\myUsername\myDirectory and pip install -e git+
  • Either add ffmpeg to PATH or simply move ffmpeg.exe into the same directory as

  • Create a folder named inputFrames in the same directory as, or run once


  • Install Python version 3.7 or higher
  • Install FFmpeg
  • Open the terminal in the directory where you want to install EmoteMaker, then install Emotemaker via the pip install -e git+ command
  • Create a folder named inputFrames in the same directory as, or run once

Basics about emotes for

There are 3 resolution categories for emotes:

  • 4x: Emotes with a max height of 128px
  • 2x: Emotes with a max height of 64px
  • 1x: Emotes with a max height of 32px

The 1x Emotes are used for the web version of chat so make sure your emote is still readable at 32px. The width and height of your emote has to be divisible by 4.

Using EmoteMaker allows you to automatically generate the 2x and 1x Version of your emote.

How do I use this?

Running the EmoteMaker

Use cmd / the terminal to run by entering [Path to EmoteMaker]\python You can customize the EmoteMaker settings by adding flags and parameters when calling it from cmd / terminal.

-h flag

Running EmoteMaker with the -h flag displays all available flag and options

Usage: [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -h

-e flag

Running EmoteMaker with the -e flag displays examples for the available flags and parameter

Usage: [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -e

-r flag

Running EmoteMaker with the -r flag reverses the animation of your apng as well as the order of frames in the framestrip. Depending on your workflow and the program you used to export the individual frames for your animation, your individual images could be in reverse order. The -r flag allows you to fix this, without having to rename your individual files.

Usage: [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -r

-l [param] flag

Running EmoteMaker with the -l flag and an additional parameter sets the number of times your animation loops in the .apng version. The default setting is 0 which makes the apng loop forever, therefore -l only needs to be used then you want a limited amount of animation loops

Usage: [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -l 12 - the apng will loop 12 times

-d [param] flag

Running EmoteMaker with the -d flag and an additional parameter lets you control the animation speed of your apng by setting a delay in seconds. The animation speed of a apng is determined by the delay between each frame. Alternatively, you can think of it as the frame per second for your apng. A delay of 1s means you have 1 frame per second. EmoteMaker currently only supports having the same delay between all frames.

Usage: [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -d 0.5 - the apng will have a 0.5s delay between each frame, making the animation play at half a frame per second.

To find the right animation speed for your emote, we recommend first generating a .gif with a program like Photoshop or Gimp to find a suitable delay, then just copy the delay you set for the frames.

Combining flags

The order in which you use the flags does not matter, as long as a parameter is always placed right after the corresponding flag i.e

  • [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -r -d 0.5 -l 12
  • [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -d 0.5 -l 12 -r
  • [Path to EmoteMaker]\python -d 0.5 -r -l 12 all generate the same set of framestrips and apngs with 0.5 seconds delay and 12 animationloops for the apngs and reversed order of frames for the apngs and framestrips.

Creating framestrips and apngs for animated emotes

We assume that you have access to the individual frames for your animated emote. Programs like Gimp or Photoshop provide methods to export all of your layers into individual files, make sure to deactivate trimming when exporting your layers. All of your individual images should have the same width and height. Make sure that your emote fits the criteria for 4x Emotes - max height 128px, width and height divisible by 4.

  • Move your individual frames into the inputFrames folder
  • Run the EmoteMaker with your desired settings using cmd / terminal
  • output will now contain 6 versions of your emote, 1 framestrip and 1 apng for each of the resolution categories. The apng can be identified through the _ANIM_ in its name. The last number in the name of each file indicates its height i.e. ..._ANIM_64.png means this is the apng for the 64px height version. If your apng is not animated when you open it, try opening it in a browser since many imageviewers don't support .apng.
  • You can test your animated emote by using the apng version with this test site