Node, Express, React and a database solution of your choice – all in TypeScript!
- Click "use this template" and "create a new repository", then fill out the initialisation form.
- In your new repo in the browser, tap "Code" and copy the URL.
- In a terminal, navigate to the folder that should contain your project (the one above the root folder) and, using the copied URL, type:
git clone[username]/[projectName].git
- Navigate to the project's root folder and then install all dependencies using:
cd backend && npm install && cd ../frontend && npm install
- Edit frontend/public/manifest.json and frontend/public/index.html to suit your project
- Add all files (except gitignored) and push initial commit:
cd ../ && git add . && git commit -m "initial commit" && git push
(run from project root)
cd backend && npm run dev
cd frontend && npm run dev
cd frontend && npm run build && cd ../backend && npm run start
Feel free to post notices on any errors or bugs, if you encounter them. I'm also open to improvement suggestions, although I can't promise I will work on them as I'm only supporting this template as a hobby.