An addon that provide tools to display platform usage statistics using charts.
analytics.admin.permission | NO | *:/platform/analytics | Group of users that can modify Charts application settings. All other users, even members of /platform/administrators will not be able to modify charts settings |
analytics.viewall.permission | NO | *:/platform/administrators | Group of users that can consult all data in Graphs. |
analytics.view.permission | NO | *:/platform/users | Group of users that can consult their personal and their spaces Graphs. |
analytics.aggregation.terms.doc_size | NO | 200 | Limit of number of resturned documents in aggregations result of type 'terms' (not used for aggregations of type : sum, avg, date_histogram, histogram and cardinality) | | NO | Same as used for Meeds | Elasticsearch server URL used for indexing and searching analytics content | | NO | Same as used for Meeds | Elasticsearch server username used for indexing and searching analytics content | | NO | Same as used for Meeds | Elasticsearch server password used for indexing and searching analytics content | | YES | 7 | Number of days to keep an Analytics index available for Read/Write mode. Once the period is passed, another index is created with a different suffix. |
analytics.queue.MaxNodes | NO | 2000 | Number of maximum entries in in-memory cached Analytics Queue that is processed each 10 seconds |
analytics.queue.TimeToLive | NO | -1 | lifetime of entries in Analytics Queue. Default: infinite. |