Code/models/etc for Media Auto Ripper hardware
debian on main box for ease of makemkv and eject commands
raspberry pi will run the show telling server when cd's should load
Horizontal stepper - moves entire arm assembly on tracks left/right vertical stepper - moves arm assembly on track up/down photo stepper = moves platform back and forth for photos of media
relay - vacuum pump to hold disc relay - led for disk image photo
setup the raspbian image for the pi
dd bs=4M if=2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch.img of=/dev/sdb conv=fsync
must sudo run the pi_terminal app or you don't have access to gpio pins
GPIOs up to 8: default state is 1 (HIGH, or close to 3.3V). GPIOs 9 to 27: default state is 0 (LOW, or close to 0V).
The Raspberry Pi supports 2 hardware based PWM channels. You can access these two channels via 2 separate sets of 4 GPIO header pins, but still limited to only 2 channels (2 unique PWM timing configurations). Hardware PWM available on GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO18, GPIO19