CC1101 serial console tool
This is my reimplementation of cc1101-tool, and it is a work in progress. It has handlers for commands that can be registered in the code dynamically.
Currently working on monitor mode - monitoring for registered radio protocols (like EV1527, HCS200, Somfy RTS Keytis)
Just enter help for commands list.
To apply default radio profile:
radio proa 0
To start monitor:
monitor start
and you will get an output when received data:
monitor freq: 433920 Khz, press ctrl-c...
{ "prot":"ev1527", "code":"aa331", "btn": 1, "ts": 400352 }
{ "prot":"hcs200", "code":"54xx51xd", "serial":"x1bx4xd", "btn": 0002, "battery_low": "false", "rpt": "false", "ts": 403683 }
{ "prot":"Somfy RTS Keytis", "code0":"09878bf0", "code1":"54f57f59", "code2":"ffea8000", "ts": 45499 }
Supported commands:
- sfreq : set frequency, use Khz, for example 433920'
- smod : set modulation, 0 to 4 or 2fsk, gfsk, ook, 4fsk, msk
- sdev : set freqency deviation in Hz. Value from 158 to 380850. Default is 47600 Hz.
- schan : set the channel number from 0 to 255. Default channel is 0
- schsp : set channel spacing <hz>, it is multiplied by the channel number and added to the base frequency in Hz. Value from 25390 to 405450. Default is 199950 Hz.
- srxbw : set the receive bandwidth in Hz. Value from 58030 to 812500. Default is 812500 Hz
- sdrate : set the data rate <Baud>. Value from 20 to 1621830. Default is 99970 Baud
- spa : set rf transmission power. Values depending on the frequency band. (-30 -20 -15 -10 -6 0 5 7 10 11 12) Default is 12
- ssm : set sync mode 0 - no preamble/sync,
1 - 16bit sync word, 2-16/16bits sync word
3 - 30/32bits sync word, 4-No preamble/sync, carrier-sense above threshold
5 - 15/16bits + carrier-sense above threshold
6 - 16/16bits + carrier-sense above threshold
7 - 30/32 + carrier-sense above threshold.
- ssw : set sync word <high> <low>. Must be the same for the transmitter and receiver. Default is 211,145
- sac : set address check <chk>: 0 = No address check. 1 = Address check, no broadcast. 2 = Address check and 0 (0x00) broadcast. 3 = Address check and 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF) broadcas.
- sad : set address <hex address>, address used for packet filtration. Optional broadcast addresses are 0x00 0xFF
- swd : set white data <whitening>, Turn data whitening on / off. 0 = Whitening off. 1 = Whitening on.
- spf : set packet format, 0 = Normal mode, use FIFOs for RX and TX. 1 = Synchronous serial mode, Data in on GDO0 and data out on either of the GDOx pins. 2 = Random TX mode; see
- splm : set packet length mode, 0 = Fixed packet length mode. 1 = Variable packet length mode. 2 = Infinite packet length mode. 3 = Reserved.
- spl : set packet length <len>, set packet length when fixed packed lenght mode is set. If variable packet length mode is used, this value indicates the maximum packet length allowed.
- sc : switches on/of CRC calculation and check. 1 = CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enabled. 0 = CRC disabled for TX and RX.
- sca : Enable automatic flush of RX FIFO when CRC is not OK. This requires that only one packet is in the RXIFIFO and that packet length is limited to the RX FIFO size.
- sdfo : Disable digital DC blocking filter before demodulator. Only for data rates �≤ 250 kBaud The recommended IF frequency changes when the DC blocking is disabled. 1 = Disable (cu.
- sma : Enables Manchester encoding/decoding. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
- sfe : Enables Forward Error Correction (FEC) with interleaving for packet payload (Only supported for fixed packet length mode. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
- spr : Sets the minimum number of preamble bytes to be transmitted. Values: 0 : 2, 1 : 3, 2 : 4, 3 : 6, 4 : 8, 5 : 12, 6 : 16, 7 : 24.
- spq : Preamble quality estimator threshold.
- sas : Set append status. When enabled, two status bytes will be appended to the payload of the packet. The status bytes contain RSSI and LQI values, as well as CRC OK.
- rssi : Display quality information about last received frames over RF.
- scan : Scan frequency range <start> <stop> Khz for the highest signal.
- prol : list predefined radio profiels
- proa : apply profile by idx or name
- pulc : get pulses count in buffer
- pulf : flush puses buffer
- puls : show puses buffer
- pulg : grab pulses <offset><min_time_us><max_space_time_us>
- pulp : play pulses <offset><pulses>
- pula : add pulses <pulses> ..
- puao : add pulses <offset> <pulses> ...
- jam : jam current channel <time millis> 0 - until ctrl-c
Monitoring protocol utility, use: 'monitor help'
- start : starts monitoring, stops with ctrl-c
- prot : list registered protocols
send data with known protocols, use: 'protocol help'
- help : this help
- list : list registered protocols
- somfy : send somfy rts frame
- ev1527 : send ev1527 frame
- hcs200 : send hcs200 frame
- db200 : send db200 frame
- pt2240 : send pt2240 frame
- tesla_um2 : send tesla_um2 frame
- retekess : send retekess frame
- prot : list registered protocols
- somfy : somfy iterated frames flood
- retekess : retekes iterated id flood
- hcs200 : hcs200 iterated enccode flood
- format : format LittleFS partition with pass code <aa55>
- list : lists files in main folder
- create : crate file: <filename>
- remove : remove file: <filename> with pass code <aa55>
- write : truncate file and write text line to file
- append : append text line to file
- cat : concatenates file: <filename>
- readenv : read file to env: <filename> to <envname>
- list : list enviroment variables
- set : set variable <name> to <value>
- unset : unsets variable
- get : gets variable <name>
- save : stores variables to /env.txt
- load : reads variables from /env.txt
When flag USE_FILE_SYSTEM set to 1 in settings.h the LittleFS filesystem is enabled and files commands available. The scripting system looks for init.scr file at boot and loads it and then executes the lines from the file as it was input from console. Afhter the script is processed, the normal console input is available. How to create example script:
files append init.scr include somfy.scr
files append somfy.scr radio proa 1
files append somfy.scr opensesame somfy scod 098cf670 af11caa9 ffea8000
files append somfy.scr opensesame somfy smsk 0007fff0 00000000 00070000
files append somfy.scr opensesame somfy sira
files append somfy.scr opensesame somfy sirf os_somfy.txt
files append somfy.scr opensesame somfy sibds 2
files append somfy.scr opensesame somfy brutc 5000 -50 2000
The script will perform opensesame on somfy protocol with given parameters and will read the last bit counter from os_somfy.txt If the user interrupts the opensesame command with ctrl-c it will be possible to continue it later with last bit couter.
Not every protocols need to be bruteforced. For example over a course of few weeks working on the Somfy RTS procol I have discovered that for this particular protol you need to catch just one remote code to generate few next codes. I did record many consecutives codes from the same remote and button press then observed a relation between consecutive codes. This method works everytime until the remote flips and changes the second code, but then works again over a long sequence of codes.
Example: after receiving the code in the monitor:
{ "prot":"Somfy RTS Keytis", "code0":"09878bf0", "code1":"54f57f59", "code2":"ffea8000", "ts": 45499 }
issue a command to send code (first parameter is how many codes ahead 1-6, second: frame repetitions, usually 6 to make sure the gate receiver gets the signal) :
opensesame somfy scod 09878bf0 54f57f59 ffea8000
opensesame somfy nkey 1 6
Dont be evil.
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