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MaybeMaru committed Dec 14, 2023
1 parent dd62d6b commit 825beea
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 0 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions source/funkin/graphics/FlxRepeatSprite.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@

import openfl.display.BitmapData;

enum RepeatDrawStyle {

* Like FlxTiledSprite but it use quads
* @author maybemaru
class FlxRepeatSprite extends FlxSpriteExt {
public var repeatWidth:Float;
public var repeatHeight:Float;
public var drawStyle:RepeatDrawStyle = TOP_BOTTOM;

public var tilesX(get, null):Int;
inline function get_tilesX() {
return Math.ceil(repeatWidth / (frameWidth * scale.x));

public var tilesY(get, null):Int;
inline function get_tilesY() {
return Math.ceil(repeatHeight / (frameHeight * scale.y));

public function setRepeat(repeatWidth:Float, repeatHeight:Float) {
this.repeatWidth = repeatWidth;
this.repeatHeight = repeatHeight;

public function setTiles(tilesX:Float, tilesY:Float) {
setRepeat(tilesX * frameWidth * scale.x, tilesY * frameHeight * scale.y);

* Optional rect for INDIVIDUAL TILES
* For the whole sprite use clipRect
public var tileRect:FlxRect;

public function new(?X:Float, ?Y:Float, ?SimpleGraphic:FlxGraphicAsset, ?repeatWidth:Float, ?repeatHeight:Float) {
setRepeat(repeatWidth ?? frameWidth, repeatHeight ?? frameHeight);

override function destroy() {
tileRect = FlxDestroyUtil.put(tileRect);
clipRect = FlxDestroyUtil.put(clipRect);

override function set_clipRect(rect:FlxRect):FlxRect {
return clipRect = rect;

override function draw() {
if (tilesX == 0 || tilesY == 0) {

inline checkEmptyFrame();
if (alpha == 0 || !visible || (clipRect?.isEmpty)) return;
if (dirty) calcFrame(useFramePixels);

for (i in 0...cameras.length) {
final camera = cameras[i];
if (!camera.visible || !camera.exists || !isOnScreen(camera)) continue;

override function getScreenBounds(?newRect:FlxRect, ?camera:FlxCamera):FlxRect {
if (newRect == null) newRect = FlxRect.get();
if (camera == null) camera =;
newRect.setPosition(x, y);
_scaledOrigin.set(origin.x * scale.x, origin.y * scale.y);
newRect.x += * scrollFactor.x) - offset.x + origin.x - _scaledOrigin.x;
newRect.y += * scrollFactor.y) - offset.y + origin.y - _scaledOrigin.y;
newRect.setSize(repeatWidth, repeatHeight);
return newRect.getRotatedBounds(angle, _scaledOrigin, newRect);

static final __tilePoint:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();
static final __tempPoint:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();

override function drawComplex(camera:FlxCamera) {
_frame.prepareMatrix(_matrix, ANGLE_0, checkFlipX(), checkFlipY());
_matrix.translate(-origin.x, -origin.y);
_matrix.scale(scale.x, scale.y);

if (bakedRotationAngle <= 0) {
if (angle != 0) _matrix.rotateWithTrig(_cosAngle, _sinAngle);

getScreenPosition(_point, camera).subtractPoint(offset);
_point.add(origin.x, origin.y);
_matrix.translate(_point.x, _point.y);

* The actual code of the class lol

__tilePoint.set(_matrix.tx, _matrix.ty);
final fw:Float = frameWidth * scale.x;
final fh:Float = frameHeight * scale.y;

_frame.frame.width = frameWidth;
_frame.frame.height = frameHeight;

switch (drawStyle) {
// Draw from left top to right bottom style
for (xi in 0...tilesX) {
var heightPos:Float = 0;
for (yi in 0...tilesY) {
setupTile(xi, yi, frame);

final addW = fw * (xi + 1);
if (addW > repeatWidth) // Cut frame width
_frame.frame.width = (fw + (repeatWidth - addW)) / scale.x;

heightPos += __tempPoint.y;
if (heightPos > repeatHeight) // Cut frame height
_frame.frame.height = (fh + (repeatHeight - heightPos)) / scale.y;

// Position and draw
final addX = addW - fw;
final addY = heightPos - __tempPoint.y;

_matrix.tx = __tilePoint.x + (addX * _cosAngle) + (addY * -_sinAngle);
_matrix.ty = __tilePoint.y + (addX * _sinAngle) + (addY * _cosAngle);

drawTile(xi, yi, _frame, frame, framePixels, __tempPoint);
// Draw from bottom to top style
for (xi in 0...tilesX) {
var heightPos:Float = repeatHeight;
for (yi in 0...tilesY) {
setupTile(xi, yi, frame);

final addW = fw * (xi + 1);
if (addW > repeatWidth) // Cut frame width
_frame.frame.width = (fw + (repeatWidth - addW)) / scale.x;

heightPos -= __tempPoint.y;
if (heightPos < 0) {
_frame.frame.height += heightPos / scale.y;
_frame.frame.y -= heightPos / scale.y;
heightPos = 0;

// Position and draw
final addX = addW - fw;
_matrix.tx = __tilePoint.x + (addX * _cosAngle) + (heightPos * -_sinAngle);
_matrix.ty = __tilePoint.y + (addX * _sinAngle) + (heightPos * _cosAngle);

drawTile(xi, yi, _frame, frame, framePixels, __tempPoint);


function translateWithTrig(tx:Float, ty:Float) {
_matrix.tx += (tx * _cosAngle) + (ty * -_sinAngle);
_matrix.ty += (tx * _sinAngle) + (ty * _cosAngle);

// Prepare tile dimensions
function setupTile(tileX:Int, tileY:Int, baseFrame:FlxFrame) {
__tempPoint.set(baseFrame.frame.width * scale.y, baseFrame.frame.height * scale.y);
return __tempPoint;

function drawTile(tileX:Int, tileY:Int, tileFrame:FlxFrame, baseFrame:FlxFrame, bitmap:BitmapData, tilePos:FlxPoint) {
final __doDraw:Bool = clipRect != null ? handleClipRect(tileFrame, baseFrame, tilePos) : true;
if (tileRect != null) tileFrame = tileFrame.clipTo(tileRect);

if (__doDraw) {
camera.drawPixels(tileFrame, bitmap, _matrix, colorTransform, blend, antialiasing, shader);
#if FLX_DEBUG flixel.FlxBasic.visibleCount++; #end

function handleClipRect(tileFrame:FlxFrame, baseFrame:FlxFrame, tilePos:FlxPoint) {
translateWithTrig(clipRect.x, clipRect.y);
tilePos.add(clipRect.x, clipRect.y);

// Cut if clipping left
if (tilePos.x < 0) {
final offX = tilePos.x / scale.x;
tileFrame.frame.width += offX;
tileFrame.frame.x -= offX;
translateWithTrig(-offX * scale.x, 0);
if (tileFrame.frame.width <= 0) return false; // Dont draw it

// Cut if clipping right
if ((clipRect.width - clipRect.x) < repeatWidth) {
final cutX = (tilePos.x + (baseFrame.frame.width * scale.x)) - clipRect.width;
if (cutX > 0) {
tileFrame.frame.width -= cutX / scale.x;
if (tileFrame.frame.width <= 0) return false; // Dont draw it

// Cut if clipping top
if (tilePos.y < 0) {
final offY = tilePos.y / scale.y;
tileFrame.frame.height += offY;
tileFrame.frame.y -= offY;
translateWithTrig(0, -offY * scale.y);
if (tileFrame.frame.height <= 0) return false; // Dont draw it

// Cut if clipping bottom
if ((clipRect.height - clipRect.y) < repeatHeight) {
final cutY = (tilePos.y + (baseFrame.frame.height * scale.y)) - clipRect.height;
if (cutY > 0) {
tileFrame.frame.height -= cutY / scale.y;
if (tileFrame.frame.height <= 0) return false; // Dont draw it

return true;

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